
Monday, January 17, 2022

Happy Tuesday


If you stop by Happy Tuesday  maybe you can share some humor too. I love laughter so I love collecting these silly shares. I wish I could think of such silly stuff.

These puns crack me up! You need humor, it is excellent medicine and you do not need a scientist to tell you that! I know you don't need Bill Gates to either! He has a hard enough time trying to create a decent computer app! hahaha

Maxine is on a roll today! She covers a variety of subjects and is very opinionated on each one. She must know my C A T ! hahaha

I remember the day Dr. King was assassinated/ What a sad day that was. He had a good heart and only wanted equality for all. How backward we have become.

I could not decide on a Sparks for today So I chose three! Music is my jam and Bob Marley, he is simply a music icon.

Aw....the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. When Nick was running around in his baby walker he would stop when we turned on this program. Nick would dance along to the song. Will Smith has many talents.

I hope everyone has a wonderful new week. Life moves so quickly.  Share your favorite Sparks too.


  1. Both funny AND meaningful today, Bravo!

  2. Maxine always cracks me up!

    Happy Tuesday, Anne!

  3. Our cat bro Bert makes us all nuts around here, especially our mom. He is pure stress whether you are petting him or not.

  4. Beautiful thoughts, my friend. smiles

  5. Wonderful funnies and I love your quotes. So very true. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. Love those quotes by MLK, Jr. and Marley!

  7. Love your post today- brought smiles, giggles and quotes to keep!

  8. Food for thought and some dessert(laughter), thank you!

  9. Those are terrific funnies and beautiful quotes.

  10. Loved the quotes and graphics and then You said: I wish I could think of such silly stuff............ ME TOO! Sherry & I got a kick out of the reading. Thanks.
    Sherry & jack, mid Florida!
