
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Pink Saturday


Pink Saturday I love learning something new each day. I belong to a group at social media where people share A View From Their Window. Someone in Australia had a photo of  two pink Galahs sitting on a fence. Although this is a google image I thought it was perfect for Pink Saturday and the first day of our new year.


We spent New Year's Eve, just like Princess Sassy Pants.   At home quietly. I made it to midnight but my husband did not. He was sound asleep. We had spent two hours earlier facetiming with our girl Hannah in Western NY.  Her husband Jake was working some extra hours so she was entertaining us with Franklin, their little rescue dog, and Casper and Oreo the two feral cats that have adopted Hannah and Jake and Franklin. The bigger cat, Casper, he loves to tug on Franklins leash.  But all in all the three of them seem to get along better. Wishing everyone a wonderful new year filled with many blessings, good things and happiness. Let us start fresh with a clean slate and see where it takes us.

Please pray for those who lost everything in the Marshall Fire 2021, in Boulder County Colorado. 


  1. That sounds like a nice New Years eve, especially being entertained by the little dog. 2 Corinthians 5:17 is also a good Scripture for the new year and new beginnings. Happy New Year.

  2. We spent New Year's eve home together as well. The birds are gorgeous!

  3. Those pink birds are gorgeous!! I wish you a wonderful new year full of happiness. Hugs, Edna B.

  4. Glad you got to Facetime with your daughter. Her pets sound fun. XO

  5. Those are beautiful birds, and i am glad you had a nice, calm entry into the New Year. Praying all stays well.

  6. Those pink Galahs are so pretty! That fire was awful and we all send prayers to everyone affected.

  7. We had a quiet New Year Eve too! The joy of facetime is that we can all connect where ever we are. Wishing you a happy year ahead Anne
    Wren x

  8. Wow those are pretty birds, such a lovely shade of pink.
    Wishing you a Happy 2022
