
Monday, September 5, 2022



Happy Tuesday

This sweet Pinterest find was too adorable to pass up. Momma and Baby out shopping for some new food and treats. H A P P Y!

Oh Maxine....always up to something and up to not being interested in most things other folks have to say.

I've been preoccupied with my lively new friends lately. I have always loved green plants but stopped caring for them several years ago. They are so good for the air in your home so I am back to raising them. This cute little face planter holds a real sweet Succulent Sedum "Little Missy" Variegated succulent plant. Once her hair grows out she will be a real cutie with a fuller head of coffied hair.

I ordered a hanging planter for my Boston Fern. When I dated my husband he had a Boston Fern he cherished that covered the entire patio door onto his apartment balcony. Growing up he had lived across the way from a phamily who owned a greenhouse and flower shoppe. He worked for them and really knew his stuff. 

This sweet fern is waiting for it's hanging planter to swing in the sunshine.

Do you like live plants? Do you keep them? They are good for the air in your home and help eliminate many bad elements like formaldehyde and other air pollutants. Plants make me very H A P P Y ! 


  1. Aw on the kitties and I always enjoy Maxine. She's so like me. Or I'm like her.

    I used to have live plants, but now I just have silk ones. I know they are good for the air in your home, but taking care of them has passed me by.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, Anne. ♥

  2. I saw that sweet little face planter on Amazon!! I have it in my cart to buy for my youngest daughter for Christmas! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. I've never had much luck with house plants -- probably, if I'm being honest on account of inattention.
    That face planter is adorable!

  4. That is a pretty plant. I have several Christmas cacti and some spider plants. XO

  5. Cute kitty, hilarious Maxine and lovely plants! We have a few in our home- had to downsize qhen we moved- but those plants went to good homes!

  6. Alas, all my houseplants are in need of re-potting. I want a new elephant ear begonia and a Boston fern. They are wonderful to have around. (You reminded me I wanted the fern!)

  7. Maxine always nails it! Nope, no houseplants here with kitties.

  8. Sad to say, i'm a plant killer. In fact, houseplants commit suicide when they know i will own them. If i had an herb garden growing on the window sill of my kitchen sink, you'd have to call it death row.
