
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Happy Tuesday Maxine Cracks Me Up My BoJon Heritage and Wordless Wednesday

 Happy Tuesday

So this fellow graduated from his Pre-K school to kindergarten. We attended the short graduation last night. It was so much fun.

What I want t be when I grow up....

This boy wants to be a Ninja! I want the artwork. It is a priceless Picasso to me. Boys with goals in life make me happy. I loved the little girls that said they wanted to be princesses. A few girls wanted to be firefighters.  One girl said A chef. I want to know her. A personal chef, sounds so good. Lots of boys wanted to be police officers. A high school friend, Stephanie, told me her son Ryan wanted to be a police officer from the time he was a small boy. Yes, he fulfilled his dream ! I pray for Ryan everyday, you may join me if you'd like to.

I didn't get a photo of Blake. We all went to dinner at Brody's favorite Mexican restaurant .Blake needed to use the bathroom. I was honored to take him. He is the funniest kid and watching him wash those little hands like a surgeon preparing for surgery cracks me up every single time. He makes me very happy too. 

I love making up words like Maxine! This one is terrific and makes me happy today. It is cold and rainy and the skies are so gray. I've been singing Don't Let The Rain Come Down by the Serendipity Singers!  I love happy songs!

Wordless Wednesday

The water then flows into rivers and lakes, eventually returning to the ocean. The cycle then begins anew as the sun evaporates water from the surface, creating more moist air that will eventually rise and form new clouds. 


  1. He's most handsome. He paints well too.

    I love Maxine.

    Love the Spring shots.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday Blog Hops.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  2. Very cute - I hope he is enjoying it!! Exciting times ahead! #HAppyTuesday

  3. Your grandson is adorable. And that is a masterpiece. I hope his folks display it proudly. XO

  4. It is just so much fun going to pre-school graduations!!

  5. Such a cute little graduate! Maxine is so darn funny!

  6. It's a joy and a sweet sadness to watch the little ones grow. Hope you are having a blessed week!

  7. Brody is such a handsome dude! Don't you love the children's imagination?! Love the story about Ryan; I'm always honored to join my friends in prayer.
