
Monday, August 28, 2023



I recently meet  a lady who showed me pictures of her 12 year old volunteering at a miniature horse farm. He loves it, mucking stalls, feeding the horses, spending quality time with them. She said it helps keep him away from all the social media and electronics. She is a smart mom. The horses love him because he spends time with them and has a big heart and is so kind.

love is...always knows what to say

You must remember to love people and use things rather than to love things and use people. Fulton J. Sheen

Sparks has the best advice today.

Friday, August 25, 2023

A Short and Sweet Vacation Trip


We stopped by for dinner with Guy Fiery at one of his restaurants.  Always good food, great service and music too. 

Oh Maxine, stop reading my mind! Missed our adjustable bed because hotel beds are just not like home! is.... makes my day everyday!

In Las Vegas we were seeing Terry Fator's show. He is quite talented, hilarious and has some naughty and very funny puppets. We were at the New York New York hotel. When we stepped outside to catch a ride with an uber driver it was pouring rain! Standing under the covered area you could see rain falling hard and fast in sheets !   Our driver drove a black Tesla with white leather seats.So comfy and so classy. He was originally from Queens , New York, and has lived in Vegas for several years. He knew all the back roads and the best routes. Our hotel's first floor parking was flooded. I am telling you, two feet of water rushing down the street and nowhere to go! No drainage system! D U H ! It was closed so he took us behind Harrah's  and we walked through the hotel, grabbed some slices of pizza at the Cake Boss Buddy's place and watched two blonde ladies called Dueling Twins play their pianos. A young couple had just been married so we had fun singing along to lots of great hits to celebrate them. Then we were able to walk across the street to our hotel and enter in the front door.  When arriving home and you can see the airplane story on my blog My Tata's Cottage, we were greeted by possible flooding! Joy of joys! It arrived today in heavy rains and we enjoyed some cooler weather.

All of this and all of that makes me hold closer to God because we live in some very unpredictable and unsavory times. My faith is my stronghold.   

Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Life is a gamble, and I am not good at betting but I have given my life into the hands of the One I know will carry me through all trials and tribulation there are in the world today. 

This is short and sweet because we are still catching up on our rest.  Have a blessed night and sweet dreams.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Feline Friday Pink Saturday

 Feline Friday I am thinking of of sharing some silly memes here. My friend Lyn sends me the craziest stuff. I also love the Mandolorian memes and man others. I hope you will love them along with the feline funnies.

                  I want to add " KAREN, it's called self-care, thank you very much!

                                             Can this really be true? Or is it just fiction? 

No other words are really needed here. We all have seen that look haven't we?

So Zach made us this wonderful breakfast today. Rebekah sent me this as she settled down to have a quick bite.  That face! It is absolutely priceless.

Pinterest and Google provide lots of pink when I don't have enough to share. Did you know flamingoes are not pink when they are born? I have seen them at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas and they are  a drab grey color. They are also very amorous! We have seen them in action and small children asking their parents, what are they doing?! hahaha That is a life lesson.

Actually I am related to many law enforcement officers so although this is clever and most of us have felt this way being stopped by an officer or deputy or state trooper, I have great respect for the honest men and women who go out and try to do a good job protecting us. I like to approach them at city events and at the traffic stops when we are walking from a ballgame and thank them for serving all of us. 

Child psychology 101!

I will be sharing more as I love laughter, good humor and fun. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Thankful Thursday

 Thankful Thursday

I read this somewhere : Impossible is God's starting point

We are living in uncertain times but I am continuing to trust the One who knows all, sees all and will care for all who choose to believe. I am very thankful for my faith.

Let the heavens be glad,

and let the earth rejoice. Let the sea roar,

and all that fills it.

Let the field exult, and

everything in it! Then shall

all the trees of the forest 

sing for joy before the Lord, for He comes,

for He comes to judge the earth.

He will judge the world in righteousness,

and the people in His faithfulness.

Psalm 96:11-13

Thankful that I can read and know these words help comfort me in trying times.

I am praying for Hawaii, all the loss of life, because no matter what

material things we have, somehow we are able to replace many of them.

Lives we can not replace. Thankful for all who are reaching out to help.

Jack Johnson a singer/songwriter is a Native. He held a concert in

his backyard in Oahu to benefit those in the fire. His music is always so

cheerful and makes people happy. His kindness is needed and for him I am


A Banyan tree in Hawaii.

Today I am very thankful that next week we are having a little getaway and that makes me happy. A few days to rest and relax and recharge. We are thankful for Nick's job that allows him and his parents to get some great deals on flying so it will also be helpful when Hannah and Jake get ready for the baby.

A Thankful Thursday image to share. Thank you google.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Wordless Wednesday




Wordless Wednesday

Happy Tuesday

 Happy Tuesday

With school starting in so many places my daughter-in-law Brittany shared this and it made me very happy and very sad all rolled together . It says so much about being a parent.

I’m not ready.
I’m not ready for another year.
I’m not ready for back to school and backpacks.
I’m not ready to send you off every day, all day.
I’m not ready to miss you.
I’m not ready to anxiously wait to hear how your day went.
I’m not ready for my house full of laughter and loudness to turn quiet and still.
I’m not ready to end lazy mornings and late summer nights.
I’m not ready to lose a part of you.
Because every new school year, I do.
I lose a part of you.
You become one grade older.
And year closer to needing me less.
And yes, some days I feel ready.
I’m so ready because you guys are literally bouncing off the walls that I don’t have enough patience or activities to entertain you.
But I’m just not ready.
I’m not ready to let go of these little moments with little you.
Somehow you warped through time and the days of your tiny voices speaking mispronounced words are gone.
And I can’t stop time from moving, even though I would give anything just to go back to those days, even if it was only for a moment.
Because no one ever tells you the hardest part of motherhood is letting go.
I’m not ready.
I’m not ready for another school year.
But I know when it begins, another chapter unfolds.
And there is beauty in that too.
I’m not ready for you grow up.
But here you are.
Growing up before me.
And somehow my heart beams with pride
but also breaks a little bit too.
Because that’s just part of being a mother.
And the love I have for you.

Written by New Adventures in Motherhood

I am sad my grandchildren are growing up yet I have traveled this road for many years with 5 children of my own. The beauty of it, the happiness in it is they choose their own path. I pray for our world, for the children, oh especially the children. They deserve happiness and this world is not going to give them any of that. I miss those times when life seemed more simple. I personally trust God, I know He is there for me and I know sure as I am writing these words that Jesus, though I may not always think it is true, is walking by my side every step of the way and I wish that for each one of the grands and great grands. The school age grands are:

The little ones will soon join them:

Miss Jaslin has taken a break from school and that is ok too. Sometime we need to find out way on our own path.

God bless all the children of the world.

Prayers all over the world too. Our lodge KSKJ is accepting donations for Maui and our homeland of our ancestors, sLOVEnia . I Know Jack Johnson, the musician/singer is a native of Hawaii and he doing much to help those in Maui.

Be happy and lend a helping hand, donations, prayers and kindness all go a long way to help those in need.

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. John F. Kennedy

The soul is healed by being with children. Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Start children off in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Monday, August 14, 2023

Aw....Mondays Love is... Sparks


I have missed you all. I fell off the sidewalk taking a walk last week. So I was feeling very achy and bruised and very sad. I had turned my ankle and face planted onto the asphalt.  Our chiro doc is a true miracle worker. He does a maneuver on our ankle and knees and it helped me at least 80%. It beats pill popping which I detest! He said I should start healing nicely and he was not kidding. Thank goodness for my husband and a neighbor walking her dog. They picked me up as I was stunned for a few minutes. Feels better to start healing as I was getting frustrated just sitting around unable to do much. 

Kim Casali  was such a precious person to me writing these little love is.... in the comics each day. She did not have an easy life and although she lost her husband and then she herself passed away her words and artwork still touch my heart everyday. My friend MaryD who lost her husband after a forever marriage was once a blogger who shared these daily and I sure miss that she stopped blogging. We both had such a love for love is...

Criticism of others is thus an oblique form of self-commendation. We think we make the picture hang straight on our wall by telling our neighbors that all his pictures are crooked. Fulton J Sheen


Friday, August 4, 2023

Thankful Thursday Feline Friday Pink Saturday

 When I think of Thankful Thursday so much thankfulness comes to mind. We have had so much rain since Springtime. We were thrown into a heat frenzy but the rain continues to pour later int he day and evening.  I am very thankful for all of it. It is part of the seasons and although ideally I love the 60-70 degree temps I am guessing I too would grow tired of the same old thing day in and day out. So I try to be thankful for it all.

On our trip to Lyons to buy a cherry cheesecake I finally bought myself a coffee/tea mug. It is heavy and just so cute.  Rebekah bought the cherry cheesecake and I bought one for Brittany and Jeremy's house. We ended up going into Estes Park and enjoyed window shopping and eating some great food and ice cream and gelato.  We were thankful the kids invited us along. 

Harrison spent some time with me yesterday. He is at an age where he prefers his games and different programs so he set up camp in Hannah's old bedroom with a TV and mini fridge and comfy bed. I miss the days when he was small and relied on me more. But they do grow up so fast.


Our son-in-law Roger took this photo of Alastor Avery the evening before this sweet boy passed away. It gives me great comfort to look into those beautiful blue eyes. He will always be with us. Now Alastor Avery and Roger are together while we wait to see them again one day. 

I wrote more about Alastor at my blog PHAMILY BLOG today.

This momma must be headed to the store for supplies. She has her baby in tow. 

This perfectly pink bedroom caught my eye at Pinterest.  Stop by and say hello. Share your favorite pinks too. " Anything  Goes " Pink Saturday 

Prayers are asked for my cousin Joanne who lost her husband Arron this week. Thank you. 

Happy Tuesday and Maxine Cracks Me Up

 Happy Tuesday

If I were a poet I would write something very clever here. Oh Maxine, you are so grumpy. You may need a hug, some sunshine or perhaps even a rainy day.

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Mark Twain

Happiness and sadness run parallel to each other. when one takes a rest, the other one tends to take  up the slack. Hazelmarie "Mattie" Elliott