
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Happy Tuesday

 Happy Tuesday

With school starting in so many places my daughter-in-law Brittany shared this and it made me very happy and very sad all rolled together . It says so much about being a parent.

I’m not ready.
I’m not ready for another year.
I’m not ready for back to school and backpacks.
I’m not ready to send you off every day, all day.
I’m not ready to miss you.
I’m not ready to anxiously wait to hear how your day went.
I’m not ready for my house full of laughter and loudness to turn quiet and still.
I’m not ready to end lazy mornings and late summer nights.
I’m not ready to lose a part of you.
Because every new school year, I do.
I lose a part of you.
You become one grade older.
And year closer to needing me less.
And yes, some days I feel ready.
I’m so ready because you guys are literally bouncing off the walls that I don’t have enough patience or activities to entertain you.
But I’m just not ready.
I’m not ready to let go of these little moments with little you.
Somehow you warped through time and the days of your tiny voices speaking mispronounced words are gone.
And I can’t stop time from moving, even though I would give anything just to go back to those days, even if it was only for a moment.
Because no one ever tells you the hardest part of motherhood is letting go.
I’m not ready.
I’m not ready for another school year.
But I know when it begins, another chapter unfolds.
And there is beauty in that too.
I’m not ready for you grow up.
But here you are.
Growing up before me.
And somehow my heart beams with pride
but also breaks a little bit too.
Because that’s just part of being a mother.
And the love I have for you.

Written by New Adventures in Motherhood

I am sad my grandchildren are growing up yet I have traveled this road for many years with 5 children of my own. The beauty of it, the happiness in it is they choose their own path. I pray for our world, for the children, oh especially the children. They deserve happiness and this world is not going to give them any of that. I miss those times when life seemed more simple. I personally trust God, I know He is there for me and I know sure as I am writing these words that Jesus, though I may not always think it is true, is walking by my side every step of the way and I wish that for each one of the grands and great grands. The school age grands are:

The little ones will soon join them:

Miss Jaslin has taken a break from school and that is ok too. Sometime we need to find out way on our own path.

God bless all the children of the world.

Prayers all over the world too. Our lodge KSKJ is accepting donations for Maui and our homeland of our ancestors, sLOVEnia . I Know Jack Johnson, the musician/singer is a native of Hawaii and he doing much to help those in Maui.

Be happy and lend a helping hand, donations, prayers and kindness all go a long way to help those in need.

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. John F. Kennedy

The soul is healed by being with children. Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Start children off in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6


  1. One of the great things you'll enjoy is your great grands. Trust me on this.

    So sad about Maui.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  2. What a great post! My grandkids are growing up and it almost seems unreal that time could have sped by so quickly. I miss that baby to rock, or the young ones playing with dolls and toy trucks. But life goes on. And all we can really do (which is the best we can do) is pray for them. Blessings!

  3. "New Adventures" -- what a beautiful piece! I've no littles, but want to remember this to share at a later time This world is, indeed, a scary place. Time to remember that Tennessee Ernie Ford, "He's got the whole world, in His hands!"

  4. This is beautiful. I pray all your grandchildren have a blessed and wonderful school year.

  5. They grow up too fast. All we can do is enjoy every minute. XO
