
Monday, September 4, 2023

Happy Tuesday and Maxine Cracks Me Up

 Happy Tuesday

I love these words! We had great plans to work in our garage this weekend. Unfortunately with most of us  under the weather it was not to happen. So we did little clean ups instead and have a bag to take to the thrift store donations. I am happy the new week is here and I am going to be able to have lunch with my sister-in-law Cheri.  Then I will be working around the house on small projects. Organizing is easy once you get the hang of it. When I was a young woman working in a business office my friend and co worker Twana said to be, "Anne, your so organized you face your paperclips in all the same direction. I've looked in your desk drawer! hahaha...I don't know what happened except life and stuff and too much stuff so I think I am putting it all together. I also sold two more items at my Poshmark sight so I am happy that both buyers gave he a five star rating and I should see my money in my account by Tuesday or Wednesday this week.


I was shocked that Maxine was taking from her neighbors. I sure hope I don't see her flying her drone near my house! hahaha...


  1. Organizing calms me down. Maxine is welcome to my steak, if only to watch her drone swipe it!

  2. What a wonderful quote! That is great advice to live by.

  3. Absolutely a wonderful & fun Post! So many things to do & so many funnies! Thank you so much for sharing! Have a great day! I'm off for a blood test today! Gotta run!!!!
    hugs, Marie M. aka Xmasdolly....

  4. I was very organized too. We are two peas in a pod. No wonder I love you.

    I love Maxine and this is a side of her I didn't now about until today.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Feel better soon. ♥

  5. Organizing can be done, as soon as you start feeling better.

    Maxine always makes me laugh, or snort!
