
Thursday, September 7, 2023


 Thankful Thursday

Always thankful. Today was a thankful filled day. The day started off with Colton, Jacey and Shea stopping by. Although they lost their pup Atlas to a car accident the kids were sad and felt they needed a pup to fill their sadness. So when they went to pick up  puppy they ended up with two. Chester was delighted as he is the phamily elder. He is a yellow lab and he is a teddy bear. The first time we met him, he jumped up on our bed cozied up to Avery's pillow and when Avery said, Chester, what do you think your doing? Chester gave him a look that said, dude, I am comfy, I need a nap. Running around with Leo and those pups made me tired! So although Chester was unhappy, looking for his pal Atlas, he welcomed Applejack and her sister Trixie to the phamily. Seeing the little one happy (because her brother was at school) because of the puppies and seeing the relief of sadness slip away for a bit with Colton and Jacey. They have had enough sadness to last the entire world of people. They deserve a break and a ray of sunshine fell on them today.

Thankful that they stopped by this evening and although our Mollie, all three lbs. of her grumbles and growls, the other pups. including Leo wanted to get a peek at those pups!

Harrison was starving, I swear that child has a hole in his belly where food goes in and falls out into thin air! So since he claims I make the best PB&J ever I created one for him which he was devouring as they had to head out the door. Meanwhile Shea is chatting, brush my teeth, brush my teeth and I have to get the step stool and her new favorite toothbrush that is purple and has princesses on it. She gets so happy when I put her special kid toothpaste on her brush. It is blue and it sparkles. How can you not be thankful for that?

Although I did not get any photos as Shea needed a slice of toast and a slice of cheese please! I was thankful that they visit often and love around the block and they make life happier. 

Thankful that Hannah face timed and caught me up on what has been going on this week. I think she is going to have a baby with a headful of red hair like her daddy. Hannah has some awful heartburn! So thankful her her, for Jake, for Franklin and baby boy. 

I am thankful my little sweetheart Blake told me he was sad I missed his birthday dinner. He L O V E S school and today was picture day! Oh handsomest four year old boy in the whole land!

Brody who has a million dollar smile and the sweetest poses for his pics is such a little gem. He is a mini Jeremy and Nick all rolled together as he is a sports nuts and knows things that most five year old kids don't. He can carry on a conversation like an adult and makes me smile because he has a special friend, a girl, who attends a different school but they are the cutest together, like first love.   Plus he can tell you the latest on most any sport that he follows. Thankful for all these memories.

I learned from my mom, so thankful for her, that phamily is the best in this world. She always told me God gave me a good husband and healthy children and I should never complain. If heaven had a window I would peek inside and show her these grands and greats and see her smile. She was a love bug to her grands

Finally thankful I spent most of yesterday with my sister-in-law Cheri. We had lunch and five hours later, hahaha, left the restaurant. They were so nice to us. We sat in the bar area and it was not as busy as the main dining rooms so they kept refilling our water glasses and letting us laugh and chat. More memories and treasured loved ones.


It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but  what you have in your heart. Unknown author 


  1. That was sure a nice bunch of thankful things and I'm glad two pups got a home, that's always wonderful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Thank you for all the latest and greatest goings on with the kids and theirs! I hope you'll be sharing pix of the new pups soon? While I still feel sad about my Caraleigh's passing, there's nothing like a puppy to take away most of the pain.
    5 Hours, huh? That's a new record for me. My BF and I had a dinner turn out similar to yours but our restaurant staff wasn't as nice. They started putting up chairs on the tables and vacuuming. Not such a subtle hint, lol.

  3. I love your thankful list! You should link it up to Ten Things of Thankful, if you want to. We'd love to have you and it doesn't have to be exactly ten things. We just like being thankful together.
