
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Happy Tuesday and Maxine Cracks Me Up with Tuesday4



Howdy friends and welcome back for another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

 I need renovations throughout my home and that includes the kitchen. So, I've been collecting pictures with ideas on painting my cabinets, replacing my 1957 kitchen window, my cracked tile floors and my rusty sink and damaged counter tops.   Could be talk about kitchens for a bit?

1.  Is this kitchen in the photo one that you would enjoy working in?    Did you have one of those step stools in your home  growing up? It certainly is! I would love a big and beautiful kitchen! Yes, my mom did have that step stool. Today you need a Platinum card to purchase one !

2. What appliances are absolute necessities in your kitchen and what can you do without. My Kitchen Aid mixer- it is a lifesaver for me and we bake a lot is a blessing! we have too much stuff in our tiny kitchen. So counters are often cluttered ( no photos ;-(  I think we could do without most everything but the electric tea kettle and toaster and coffeemaker.  I would love granite or porcelain counter tops Sigh... 

3. What items are always in your pantry? All those things we use, chicken broth, pasta shells, canned goods like tomatoes and in the freezer, a lifetime supple of mac n cheese for the grands! Lots of spices and herbs too.

4. How about your counter tops... filled with things or empty?  Too many things littering the countertops. I would love a large kitchen. I will show a few dream ones here:

My own mother loved green so I think this one reminded me of her. Miss you always mom and our phone calls.  The second one is a beachy theme. Love the cabinets or even aqua blue ones. Ah...never too old to dream!



Maxine, we've talked about your attitude. Reign it in girl! But you are probably right here. I like basic black in lingerie, cause it is slimming! (wink wink)

"Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life." Fulton J Sheen

"The heart has it's reasons which reason knows nothing of." Blaise Pascal

"Storms make trees  take deeper roots." Dolly Parton

" You can be rich in kindness, spirit, love  and all those things you can't put a dollar sign on." Dolly Parton

I've been missing here lately. It has just been a wild ride. Always something to do. We are not youngsters any longer but we get through the days.  Some updates: we watched the boys play baseball. T Ball is winding down but Brody will be playing in the playoffs starting June 14.  He is so good at sports. He hit a line drive into my left knee this weekend. The main reason why we do not have a real bat and ball in the yard. I had a goose egg on it but ice stopped the swelling and no bruising! It is a real badge of honor, playing at my age, with a small grandson who hits like Reggie Jackson in the World Series!  Shea Avery Marie was with me last week for several hours. Her mom was driving a 480 Ferrari  at her companies expense. Lucky Jacey.  Shea can wrap a baby doll in a blanket like a momma pro! She is hilarious and eats like a veggie queen." No grandmotha, no peas and carrots now, just long green beans and thank you!" If you show a fruit or vegetable to her older brother Harrison, well, he would probably  throw it back at you like he did when he was small!  Then there are the facetime calls with our newest grandson, we call him Baby Jake! He has the best smile. He is growing so quickly.  They love their privacy so no photo shoots for him!  Addy  turned 16, has her drivers license and now she can come and go to her job. It is hard to believe she was a tiny girl when Jeremy & Brittany married. Goodness, it seems like yesterday!

Nick had some dental issues. He is working on getting it all taken care of but dentists want their money upfront. It is hard to handle but he is good. Working and saving. 

Avery is working hard this summer, lots of cases going to trial so he and his co worker are swamped lots of days. Both grateful for the work and you just have to be thankful. So many losing their jobs and it is something Avery & I were familiar with in our younger days. 

Rebekah and Zach had their car stolen. It was returned but they are just grateful their mechanic could help do most of the work. It is older so some parts are not available. It drives nicely and they are most grateful.  Life is sure a lot to handle some days.  Thankful the Good Lord is shining down on us. We could not do it without Him. Happy and Thankful!

Big hawks hanging around, I wish they would go far away! Our pups are all safe. Another grateful event!

We're in a heat wave. Staying cool. There is a song I love! It is "Belong Together (Sped Up"  Lucky Socks. It is a good summertime theme song. 

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new  dream." C.S. Lewis 



  1. Oh I love those kitchens and would be proud to have any one of them, especially that last one.

    Love all the quotes. Made me smile.

    Maxine is right about that. I love her snarky sense of humor. Blunt is more like it. She has no filter.

    Yikes on having the car stolen. That's awful.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  2. Maxine is so funny! Hey, our kitchen really needs a renovation but it's not happening anytime soon. Our stove, dishwasher and clothes dryer all died at about the same time...expensive!

  3. That Maxine is epic! (lolololol)
    What a basket of mixed blessings y'all have experienced/endured lately. My goodness! Thank goodness you have one another to lean on, and sweet little people to make our hearts smile.

  4. The kitchen pictures look very nice ! I don't have this problem anymore, I live now in a retirement home since my husband passed away.

  5. I'm blessed to have a kitchen now that I really love. A few houses ago, the kitchens were always small and without adequate pantry space. When we moved here, my sweet man built a pantry in the kitchen for all of the extra appliances and food. But, I don't cook as much as I used to. I think I'm losing my umph from being so busy. I'm glad to be back reading your blog, my friend.
