
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Postcard Exchange Update

Ok, I am calling out to Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware, Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming! I need your postcards so I may giveaway my Colorado Goody Box!

Thank you to  Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and Virginia! You were so kind to send along postcards to me! I will gladly take duplicates.

Thank you to the countries of Chile, France and Mexico who already sent me cards! I will always take more!

But I need all those US States so I may giveaway the box! It is a great goody box. Filled chock full of Colorado made or inspired items like a piece of jewelery crafted from an aspen leaf. Boyers coffee, Enstroms Toffee, Celestial Seasoning Teas, a Colorado fact filled book and a map of our Colorful state! There is more. To find out all the inspiring items in this Colorado proud box please send your postcards my way.


  1. I can do TN I send it to you? I love and collect old PCs...pretty cool...Peace

  2. I think I'll post an update on mine next week and mention your exchange. Maybe you'll get a few more.

  3. I have friends in quite a few of those places. Do you want them to mail them to you. I'll be glad to ask them if it will help you.

  4. I can do Ohio. Moved from there this past July. I have a few Ohio postcards. I have Texas ones if you would like more. I have San Antonio and Galveston.

    E-mail me at

    Came to you from Parsley.

  5. Came over from Parsley...I can do Kansas How do I get it to you?
