
Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Real Mothers don't eat quiche;
They don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils
Are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
Filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough
Doesn't come out of carpets.
Real Mothers don't want to know what
The vacuum just sucked up...
Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?'
And get their answer when a little
Voice says, 'Because I love you best.'
Real Mothers know that a child's growth
Is not measured by height or years or grade...
It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother.....
The Images of Mother
4 YEARS OF AGE - My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother doesn't know everything!
14 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother? She wouldn’t have a clue!
16 YEARS OF AGE - Mother? She's so five minutes ago.
18 YEARS OF AGE - That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE - Well, she might know a little bit about it!
35 YEARS OF AGE - Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE - Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 YEARS OF AGE - Wish I could talk it over with Mom.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she
Shows and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grow!
Now I want to say that I am going to be presenting some Mother's Day posts that will lead up to my Mother's Day Swap post that will have pictures and everything (hopefully) on Sunday!

Here are a few Mom/Mother/Grandmother humor for you.
When my grandson Colton was about 3 we took him to the Childrens Christmas Service at church. After a beautiful candlelight procession by the schoolchildren the church lights came on and Santa came bounding down the isle. He wished all the children a Merry Christmas and told them not to forget the reason for the season! As Santa left the building the church was very still and quiet. My grandson tugged at my sleeve and loudly proclaimed "GRANDMOTHER WHEN WILL JESUS AND HIS FATHER GET HERE?"
You could not hear a pin drop after the resounding chuckles of my friends,family and other churchgoers!

My late sister Pat who herself was a wonderful mother told me her son Charles was a tiny toddler and he liked to crawl up into her lap and gaze into her eyes. When she asked me "What do you see in my eyes Charles?" He replied"Babies"

When I was pregnant with my third daughter and fourth living child my son Jeremy was in the kindergarten. He came home and announced that he thought "Juan" would be an appropriate name for his new brother! I told him I thought Juan Robinson might sound like a Puerto Rican basketball player! My son always loved the underdog and he befriended many children who's command of the English language was not their  greatest skill.

Ten days before high school graduation my daughter Rebekah's high school vice principal called me at work! I was busy and had no time for chatting on a phone call! When I heard him say those dreaded words "Mrs. Robinson", I said "Yes, Mr. Gabriel". He said" I am very disappointed in Rebekah! I caught her smoking behind the school." To which I replied, "Cigarettes, I hope." The phone line was silent. Oops.

The New Years Eve party I had dreaded allowing my son Jeremy attend came and went, or so I thought, until our phone rang at approximately 12:10 A.M. January 1, 2003. The police officer on the other line said "M'am, your son Jeremy was the only stone sober kid at this party. He offered to take a sobriety test telling me " 'My mom would kill me officer, there is no way I would drink and then drive.'" The officer finished his phone call by saying my husband and I were upstanding citizens to raise such a fine and truthful young man.

September 1993.I was breast feeding my new son Nick when there was a frantic knock at my door. Throwing a quick baby blanket on my shoulder I opened the door to find a police officer standing there. "M'am he said, we received a 911 call from this number. I looked at my two year old daughter Hannah standing at my side. She looked up at the cop and stated "I'm never gon call a cop again!."

Our son was having a birthday party. Due to the fact that we had several pizza coupons my hubby ordered from two different pizza places. The kids were riding their bikes out front when the first guy drove up, stepped out of the car and delivered our pizzas. No second delivery guy. Finally he came slowly driving up the street. As he passed our house he picked up speed. The kids started yelling and chasing him down the street. My hubby called to complain. "My goodness he said, why wouldn't he stop? Is the poor man deaf.?" Dryly the manager replied "As a matter of fact, he is deaf!"

I came home from work on evening, tired and spent. I looked at my two year old Hannah. Her hair was rather short and boyish. I said "Hannah , who cut your hair?" She replied "I don't know." I said "Honey, please tell mommy who cut your hair?" Ever so gently she took my hand and guided me into the dining room. Underneath the dining room table sat a mass of beautiful golden curls. At that point she replied, "Bekah say, Hannah you need a haircut." I turned to my nearly five year old and said "Rebekah, why did you cut your sisters hair?" Her famous reply "I don't know".

Happy Mother's Day to all! I will make you laugh and I will make you cry before the glorious Sunday honoring all mothers arrives. Come back tomorrow for another tribute to mothers.


  1. Oh my goodness, Anne, this is such a wonderful idea. I have giggled all the way through this!!! I can't wait to read the upcoming posts!

  2. Wonderful post Anne. Can't wait for more!

  3. what a lovely tribute to moms everywhere...i might need to steal it and recite it to my mom! thanks for stopping by!

  4. Oh I wish I could remember more of those special moments with the have such a good memory..aren't they precious!

    Happy Mother's Day!


  5. Anne, that is so beautiful...the part about a real cute the memories you shared!!!

  6. I love the tribute to mothers. Hope you don't mind if I share it!

  7. I thought one of those pictures was my daughter and grandson! So close. Nice tribute to mother's here. sandie

  8. Hi Anne!
    This is a wonderful post, and oh-so-true!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my last post, they meant a lot to me!

    All the best,

  9. I loved all the stories - especially the one where your 2 year old called the cops! Ain't children grand?!

  10. Thank you for one of the sweetest post in honor of mother's day.
