
Thursday, July 22, 2010


Hi! I am late posting but wanted to share some of my Golden Books with you. I have so many things to treasure and save because these books remind me of my childhood. They also remind me of the childhood of all five of my kids. I use them when I put my dolls on display. An example is my lovely Alice in Wonderland doll posing with my copy of what else, Alice In Wonderland! I am a bit irked because Disney and other mega film makers have taken childhood sweetness and turned it into entertainment for adults!
But I do love these precious books and wanted to share a few here today.

These are just a few google image examples of my book collection. My children love these books even today. They are priceless pieces of each one of our childhoods.

Now go visit Suzanne. She is at Colorado Lady. She hosts this Vintage Thingy Thursday. Say hello and stay a while. Thanks for sharing with me today.


  1. I so agree with you on today's today do not get a chance to be innocent is such a shame. I love your books, I have some saved that were my children's books, maybe someday they will want them. So glad you linked in today to VTT! Have a great weekend.

  2. I love the sweet Golden Books. My kids loved them and I am hoping to read to grandkids one day. I hate how movies are so violent. I refused to see the Alice In Wonderland movie it looked scary. I like the cartoon better.

  3. I read a few of these when I was a kid...the one I remember the most was called "Moses" I think..about this abandoned black cat that's taken in by a farm family...and nursed back to health. It was a really sweet story.

    Hugs, Heather :)

  4. Oh how I love Golden Books, I saved quite a few of the boys for when we have grandchildren visit. Now just need the grandchildren, lol. Such classics..thanks for sharing

  5. I love that bottom Golden book. Our little Grand always sorts through the stack of golden books first for her afternoon read/cuddle fest.

  6. Hi Anne, thanks so much for visiting me! I'm so glad you haven't given up on me! This summer I'm reaaly tied up with all things hot and humid!

    Golden books! I don't have mine anymore but I had all the ones you show and then some.

    I'll try to viit more often! :)

  7. I always enjoyed Golden Books. Even the ones with crayon scribbling and smelt of old wax.

  8. i love the Golden Books grew up on some of them. i don't see very many of these. thanks

  9. i love the Golden Books grew up on some of them. i don't see very many of these. thanks

  10. i love the Golden Books grew up on some of them. i don't see very many of these. thanks

  11. I loved reading Golden books when I was a child. I think I may still have some around somewhere, if not my mother does.

  12. I still have some Golden Books that I read to the GS and now I will to the new GS.

