
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Poem

When I was younger I loved to write poetry. I have a phamily full of writers! But I never got published, like my middle daughter. I will share that poem with you sometime.

It is dark and dreary today. Rain on and off. I am grateful not to be in the sweltering heat that those of you who live back east are experiencing. I do pray that everyone will be safe and keep well hydrated. A drug rep told me yesterday that his mom was in Connecticut, where it was 103 degrees! She said it was awful.

I wrote this poem so I could keep my mind on my work and not think the terrible thoughts I have with someone I work with. She is awful. That is all I can say. I wrote this because I want to be in Heaven someday. I am not at all interested in going to the hot place so I need to think kind thoughts not awful ones!

Here is my little poem "Weather"

I don't like it hot
I don't like it cold.
I like it perfectly
in the middle of the road!


  1. Thank you for the good wishes, for we in the heat.

    Sorry about the problem co-worker. I know that many worry about 'Not-Being-Good,' but....... But do you have to stifle all honest differing views, here and now? And maybe get an ulcer?

    As to temps, you can see that I have even gone so far as to adopt a Penguin, as my present Icon! ,-)

    Gentle hugs...

  2. Sometimes all you can do is pray for the co-worker...she may have a hellish family life at home. Who knows?...but yeah, I've had people like that, that I wish I didn't have to work with!!! I'll keep you in my prayers for sure!!!

    Oh, love the "hot chicks" picture...hee hee hee..that's funny!!!

    Love and hugs, Heather :)

  3. If this heat we are having here on the east coast is a 'preview' of that hot place - I got to clean up my act pronto!

    I wish it was cool enough for a penguin! he's cute!

  4. I'll take the Missouri over the East heat right now for sure. Yuck!

  5. I am hot chick too! Can I borrow the picture? sandie

  6. What a cute little poem. I'm a middle of the road kind of gal when it comes to weather, ha.
