
Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I am late posting my Tuesday's Show and Tail! Please thank Angela Here.
She is a real gem hosting this weekly meme.
Most of you know I have been gone due to the passing of my hubby's mom. So tonight I want to show off Smokey.
Last night, we nearly lost Smokey. My hubby said our oldest son woke him up at 2:00 A.M. Smokey, a two year old part boxer part lab was unresponsive and lethargic. They rushed him to the emergency vet clinic and they said Smokey got into something toxic. They ran blood work and it did not show what he got into. But they gave him a water ring which was less costly then an IV drip because he was so terribly dehydrated. Today he is up and around but moving cautiously. We love this patriotic fellow born on the 4th of July 2008. He has his own chair and if you command him "Horse,chair", horse being his silly nickname because he is so large, he will hop into his chair and pose for a picture!
This has been a trying week for us. Why this pup was suddenly taken sick is hard for us to deal with but we are most grateful that he is ok.
Here he is on his personal chair, in all his glory!


  1. Oh my goodness, I hope the big guy will be okay.

    hugs and doggie prayers,


  2. I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your hubby's mom. May she rest in peace. Having lost both my mom and dad within 9 months of each other, I know just what a stressful time it can be. It seemed when I thought I was over it, memories would once again wash over me.

    Smokey is a handsome guy. I'm glad he is ok. And whatever he got into, I sure hope it is gone!

  3. Smokey is a handsome dog!!! I'm glad he's feeling better. By any chance did you use any new chemical cleaners in your home? Just a random question, but my dad and I...I noticed two things..when we moved from the black mold apartment to our new place...our breathing was easier..AND we are using more homemade cleaners because they have less chemicals in them..and I find that my nose and throat aren't irritated as much. That's just totally random, but I thought of that when you mentioned that precious dog being sick.
    I'm so happy he is doing better!!!! What a sweety pie dog he is :) :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  4. Hi Anne, I'm glad you guys are back and just hate reading about Smokey being poisoned. Do you know what he got into? I sure hope he makes it. What a beauty he is. Love you mollye

  5. Anne, glad you made it through the past few days ok..I know how hard it was, and then to come home to Smokey being ill..gosh it would be good to know what he got or got into...two year old dogs can be real curious. Glad he is doing better, heavens. hugs

  6. You have certainly had a full plate. Hope he will be okay. sandie

  7. Hey Anne!

    I'm so glad that Smokey is better today! He is a handsome looking guy. Gotta love the way he poses for you in his chair! That is priceless!

    Thanks for sharing those cute pictures with us this week and I'm so glad he is better!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  8. glad that this baby is feeling better.thanks for your comment on my blog re smiling. SMILE, YOUR BABY IS BETTER.

  9. I'm glad "da Horse" is okay! He's such a character!

    I love that doggy expression, it says, "See Ma!! See Ma!! I kin do this for you (and a treat)!!"

  10. Oh, precious,precious Smokey. I thank God he is all right!!! I pray he continues to get better and stays away from whatever made him sick. Oh how we love our fur-babies. He reminds me so much of our Lab, Kona. B-i-i-i-i-i-g, sweet babies. Smokey is just beautiful! Please give him a big hug around his neck from me, okay? Thank you. Mary from Vintage Comfort
    Sorry to hear of your m-i-l's passing, too.

  11. Anne, my prayers continue for your and your family as you deal with this loss.

    I'm so glad that your dear friend is OK, though. How frightening.
