
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Good Morning/Prayer Request

I am an early bird today. All that traveling has exhausted us so we tend to get to bed early these days. We also had some light rain last night and that helped after spending the day trapped in an office reeking of paint fumes! The office below us is getting renovated and the paint fumes were awful! I was glad to walk out into the 80 plus degree heat yesterday just to breathe regular air!

I am asking for specific prayer for Phil today. He was in a bit of a jam and he has to go to court today. He is a really good kid and he and my middle are going to court at eight a.m. She is there for support. I just ask God for direction in his life and for the court to be gracious to him. I don't want to get into a lot of particulars but I see the celebrities just breeze in and out of these court hearings and never humble themselves. I see various people breeze through without a care because of things with which they do have control and yet choose to allow the rest of us to pick up the tab.

Here is a google image for you today.

Phil is a good guy. He is very hard working and at his job only himself and a non English speaking woman are able to close down the kitchen each night. That does not say very much of the upper management but it will give you an idea about Phil and the ethics he has at work.

Remember him today and ask God for guidance for him.

Have a wonderful day everyone!


  1. I will send my prayers up for him and for all of you.
    xo bj

  2. Good Morning Anne Sweetie...
    I will be holding Phil up in prayer this morning. We shall pray that the court will have mercy and allow him a second chance in his life. A new fresh beginning.

    I am saying some prayers for you too sweet friend. It is always so hard to see our children stumble. As parents we are always there to pick them up when they fall, just as God does for us. Keep me posted.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. I am lifting Phil and the whole family up.
    I am sorry this is happening.

  4. May the Lord's protection be with him and His guidance. Praying with you and for you. God bless.

  5. Sending prayers for Phil and your whole family!

  6. G'day Anne ~ Prayers lifting ... hope all works out well.

    I don't have your mailing address, sweetie.

    Did you forget Love Is... Monday?

    My email ~

    Hugs, Marydon

  7. Hi Anne!
    I will be happy to keep Phil in prayer. :-)

    Have a wonderful week!

  8. I will lift him up in prayer.
    Blessings to you and your family.

  9. I'll be saying a prayer too - let us know. sandie

  10. I'll pray for Phil....and for mercy, too!!! Thanks for the "got Jesus" image. May I borrow this?

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  11. I hope all went well - and that things worked out for the best.
