
Monday, August 2, 2010


This is a peek of some of the lovely postcards I have received. I still am missing a few key states. I hope you will look over the list and send a postcard or two. Don't worry, if your state is already on the list, you can send another postcard. I really enjoy them and look forward to receiving more. Send me your address if you would like a return card from me.

Alabama - Montgomery          1
Alaska - Juneau                     3
Arizona - Phoenix                  2
Arkansas - Little Rock
California - Sacramento          8
Colorado - Denver                  7
Connecticut - Hartford            1
Delaware - Dover                    1
Florida - Tallahassee                4
Georgia - Atlanta                      2
Hawaii - Honolulu                     1
Idaho - Boise
Illinois - Springfield
Indiana - Indianapolis                  2
Iowa - Des Moines                      2
Kansas - Topeka
Kentucky - Frankfort
Louisiana - Baton Rouge              2
Maine - Augusta                          1
Maryland - Annapolis                   1
Massachusetts - Boston                2
Michigan - Lansing                         2
Minnesota - St. Paul                       1
Mississippi - Jackson                       1
Missouri - Jefferson City
Montana - Helena
Nebraska - Lincoln                                1
Nevada - Carson City                             1
New Hampshire - Concord
New Jersey - Trenton                               2
New Mexico - Santa Fe                            1
New York - Albany                                   1
North Carolina - Raleigh                             4
North Dakota - Bismarck                            1
Ohio - Columbus                                         2
Oklahoma - Oklahoma City                          3
Oregon - Salem                                            4
Pennsylvania - Harrisburg                               1
Rhode Island - Providence     1
South Carolina - Columbia     1
South Dakota - Pierre           1
Tennessee - Nashville           1
Texas - Austin                      8
Utah - Salt Lake City            2
Vermont - Montpelier          1
Virginia - Richmond            4
Washington - Olympia        1
West Virginia - Charleston 1
Wisconsin - Madison         1
Wyoming - Cheyenne        1

Washington D.C.                1

Chile                                   1
England                                1
France                                 2
Mexico                                 1
Norway                                3
Panama                                 1


  1. I would gladly send a post card from Missouri, but I don't see an address for where to send one... leave a comment on my blog with an address and the card is yours!

  2. what a collection of postcards. thanks for commenting on my blog re my nose injury. i'm ok so is my friend. hope that you are doing well. Rose

  3. Your collection is growing and I hope you will get a card from each state. I sent you one.

  4. Anne...Girly...if I had your missing postcards I would send them to you!

    Now...I have to comment back to your regarding the note you left on my blog.

    I do believe that your sweet words were the kindest I've ever heard from a blogger. Truly. You BLESSED me today and I've sooo needed it. I'm always amazed at how TIMELY God is with His gifts to us... When they come in the form of loving women, some, no...MOST whom I've never ever met in person (and may never meet)just can't help but take me back a bit. You are TOOOOO nice and I can only WISH and HOPE to be all the things you think I am.

    I want you to know this one thing...

    When I started blogging I had NO IDEA what I was doing. My sister, Jenny, had a blog and I remember asking her in January '08 "What's a blog?" No kidding! I did. That wasn't all that long ago! I could NEVER have imagined learning all the things I've learned since that day or where this blog of mine would take me.

    I'm soooo glad you found me because it led me straight back to you.

    God is good!

    Yep...He is!

    Love to you~

    Rebecca PS: I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing your sweet face and that of your beloved. Does my heart GOOD to see LOVE!

  5. Anne,

    I sent you one when I started The Fairfield House Annual Post Card Exchange last February but I don't see it listed. It was either of Cape May or Lucy the Elephant (both in NJ)
    You've got quite a collection there!

    Your Friend,

  6. You're almost there! Look at all those cards!!!!!

  7. Wow! Look at all those cards! You've been busy getting "good mail"!

  8. I'll bet it is fun getting all of the different post cards in the mail when you least expect it. It won't be long before you have them all!

