
Wednesday, August 11, 2010


My baby boy turned 25 on Monday the 9th. We had so much company and had such a great birthday bar-be-que that I did not get to post this until tonight.

My sweet son is an awesome man. I call him my man child along with his baby brother who turns 17 in 9 days! J is studying at Metro State College and he has a double degree which he should finish in the Spring 2011. He had taken a year off before he started college. Tried construction. His friends dad owned a big company and they won the contract to remodel the Federal Building in Denver. You can only imagine my horror because the Timothy McVey trial was going to be held there and many upgrades were being added. I constantly prayed for my son and his co workers. I was experiencing great fear. I was worried enough about my hubby working nearly across the street from the Federal Building in Denver and then my kid was in the basement of the place remodeling!

God was good to us at that time. Although J was making a lot of money he was constantly getting hurt. I kept nagging at him and telling him it was a direct sign from God to go to college and leave this lifestyle behind. He finally applied for college and with his excellent grades was readily accepted.He has worked very hard at college and has constantly made the Dean's List and has qualified himself for some school money that was a scholarship that he would not have to pay back. It is the only perk my children have ever received. While millions rely on the government and tax payers to cover their life expenses my kids all work hard to provide a better life for themselves.

J coached Thornton Boys Basketball for six years. During those years he took his team to a third place championship, 2nd place and finally first. He worked hard and the boys rallied round him and won their games because he showed them so much respect. He saved a boy or two from the streets of crime and gangs during those years.

He has worked since he was 12years old. For two years he delivered the Avon lady's  catalogs twice a month and she paid him $25 a month. He sold gum at school during his first three years of high school and made a tidy little profit. At age 14 the neighbor who managed a Grease Monkey hired him to clean up after work. He helped pay his tuition at a private high school where he and his friend Sean founded the Family Freaks an spirit club who attended all the sporting events, painting themselves with gold and purple Sherman Williams paint and cheered for their teams until they lost their voices!  There is an award in the Sport case at Holy Family HS dedicated to the Family Freaks.When he turned 18 he also worked on and off there and then Target Super Stores. Because he is a big guy he played Santa Claus for a couple years. He also worked for Media Play and Barnes and Noble during high school and currently delivers pizzas for Dominos. His baby brother work the phones and he delivers the pizza.

Next week he will drive to Las Vegas with his buddies.  He refuses to fly so his one buddy has a new car and they are going on a road trip.

After the party Monday night he told his dad and I that it was the best gift he could get. Surrounded by my loved ones, phamily and friends he was very content.

I know our son will be a terrific success in life. He has a kind heart and he is a wonderful friend. He is a good son and I love him to pieces. Join with me to wish him a belated birthday wish tonight.


  1. Anne,

    Please pass along my birthday blessings to your amazing son. He has truly come a long way in 25 years and has blessed you as well being such a proud mom.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. What a sweet blog about your son!! Happy Birthday to him!!

  3. A nice tribute to your son. Tell him happy birthday for me.

  4. Happy Birthday J!

    Its nice to hear about fine young men like this... such a refreshing change!

  5. Anne, I just saw this..its been a loong week. Happy Birthday to sweet J..can't believe he is 25! Happy Birthday fella!


  6. Love all the sweet family pics.
