
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Miracle Makeover/Healing Weekend: A Poem By Rebekah Robinson

She was born of working hands
They were born with silver spoons
She was from the wrong side of town
They were from the upper class
The families were part of the country club
The siblings had private piano lessons
Parents were past alumni
Dads still wore their football rings
Her family was the most important thing
Her siblings were her closest friends
And when her parents struggled with bills
Everyone pitched in to help
She memorized the RTD schedule
They learned how to drive new cars
For her, high school was a privilege
To her classmates, just another luxury
She wore bargain clothes from the Salvation Army
Her classmates wore Abercrombie and Fitch
She worked the weekends on minimum wage
While they hung out in Aspen and Steamboat resorts
She didn't care about popularity
Her classmates couldn't get enough of it
They worried about WHICH college to go with friends
While she worried about receiving financial aide next fall
It was exclusive and expensive
But it was the best kind of education
And although  she didn't fit in
She knew she belonged in college

My middle daughter wrote this poem. She had an assignment in her college writing class to write a poem about her own educational experience. This is our life. I am very proud of her. She is a terrific writer and she writes from her heart. I just thought this poem would fit into this weekends theme. My phamily values education and my kids are trying to achieve a better life. I hope you will like it.  Dreams can come true. Internet images.


  1. Perfect poem. I admire your daughter's perception skills.

  2. Your daughter is a really great writer. Please encourage her to continue writing!


  3. Your daughter is a remarkable writer! thank you for sharing her talent with us.:)

  4. Anne...tell your daugher I LOVED that poem. I can identify with working weekends on minimum wage...having to apply for financial aid just to make college happen etc...Oh, touched so many places in my young life!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  5. This poem brought tears to my eyes. Your daughter is truly talented.

  6. Hi Anne! First of all, thank you so much for you kind words in your comment on my "Miracle weekend" post. It really lifted my heart reading it.

    And so did this beautiful post. Your daughter's poem was wonderful! not only did she write from the heart and what things she was dealing with, she also spoke for so many others!

    So many of us struggle with the fact that we may not "measure up" in other's eyes. Although she is talking about teenage years (which are some of the roughest times), this still applies to us as adults.

    Thank you so much for posting her poem. And tell her from me, thanks for the reminder of what is and isn't truly important. The only other "eyes" to measure up to for me is my Heavenly Father. I try to keep that in mind and know that His eyes see my heart very clearly.

    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  7. Your daughter is beautifully talented.

  8. Your daughter has talent and I agree with the above comment that she is very perceptive! I don't know how I will get my son through college financially, but we will find a way with God's help. A great post.

  9. Oh Anne Sweetie...
    A beautiful poem just gorgeous and please thank you daughter for letting you share with us today. It has so touched my heart. I too was the girl on the struggling side of the fence. She so nailed it perfectly.

    Stop by again today and leave a comment. Remember every comment this weekend counts towards the next miracle makeover. I know there are many out there just waiting to be discovered.

    Many hugs sweet friend and SO much love, Sherry

  10. You have a very talented daughter. sandie

  11. Beautiful poem - how is your daughter doing in College?
