
Saturday, August 28, 2010


Dear Lord I am praying today for the hurting in this world. Many do not know how to reach out to you. Please give them the tools to come to you and allow the Holy Spirit to touch their hearts and their minds in Christ Jesus name Amen.


  1. There are so many hurting people in the world. . .

  2. What a beautiful prayer and post. So happy that I was able to visit you this morning.
    Sorry I have not been around for a while. Since my accident and my limited bytes on Verizon I don't get to visit friends like I want to

  3. What a wonderful blog you have here! It's full of inspiration ♥

  4. HI Anne..this is another especially sweet post. I'm going to remember the "sweet peas"..In fact, I'm going to write this down and post it on a little card at work...for my desk, so I have it to look at as a gentle reminder :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  5. Father God, so many are hurting. And you care for each heart. You long to set the captives free. I pray for a way out for those in need. Send provision. Allow the truth of Your Word to minister to the wounds of Your people. May we be a people of much love and joy to a watching world. We love you, Jesus. Amen.

    Thanks for joining us in prayer this weekend. I usually stop by and visit as people join in, but this weekend we went out of town so I was only able to visit some. So here I am today instead.

    I'm thrilled to see you join in.

    Have a blessed week!

  6. AMEN!

    Bless your sweet and full prayer for the hurting! Truly they Him & you're so right they may not know how to ask.

    Praying this prayer and more for so many hurting. Thanks!
