
Sunday, April 3, 2011


Welcome to Spiritual Sunday. I am so encouraged that Ginger and Charlotte host this weekly post. It brings so much to everyone.
Do you remember the book "I'm Ok, You're Ok"? I remember many years ago someone gave it to me to read and I thought it was so spiritually dead! When our kids were small and loving Easter my husband, who loves to use graphs and charts and visual aids put together a whole Easter presentation. As they got older he added the Journal of American Medicine article about the crucifixion of Christ. He even gave a copy of his poster boards to their parochial school 5th grade teacher. But one message we never steered away from was this, "If I'm ok and your're ok, then Christ died for nothing." As Easter approaches we still practice what we have preached for all these years.
"I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing." Galatians 2:21


  1. hello, Anne- so nice to meet you. I was so happy that Debbie found my blog. i was touched by her story and that she would share her pain with me. it's nice to connect with others who know what it's like.

    i love the old photo frame in your banner heading - i have such a love for those old framed photos!


  2. Dear Anne,
    Thanks for brightening my morning by stopping by.
    I loved your post this morning. I literally cry when I think what Jesus did for me., because he is personal to each one of us.
    Have A Sugar Sweet Day and week a head Anne.
    How is that new car coming along...
    Simply Debbie

  3. good message....hope your weekend in the best.

  4. I remember that book, but I never read it.

    to think of the love Christ had for us - that he died for us - well, it just leaves me in awe.


  5. Hi Anne, Popping in to say Happy Spiritual Sunday. I hope you have a great week!

  6. Hello Anne,

    Such a great post. Hope your weekend has been a good one. Have a good week ahead. God Bless!

  7. We can never forget that Jesus became the final sacrifice for our sins and your post expressed it very well.

  8. Dear Anne,

    What a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for visiting my blogspot and for your very sweet and encouraging comments!

    Jesus paid the ultimate price for my sins, which reduces me to tears to think of the pain and suffering He endured at the cross, because of me.

    He blesses me beyond measure!

    May the week ahead be filled with happiness and God's blessings.

    With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

  9. I'm thankful that Jesus didn't die for "nothing." I wasn't okay and needed a sinless sacrifice. That thought brings me so much joy this morning.


  10. I remember that book. I remember the controversy over it at the time. I agree with you and your husband. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us.
