
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


When I was a young girl just out of high school I worked for the Pueblo County Treasurer's office. We collected property taxes. It was a good job at that junction in my life and I liked to stop and chat with  one of the County Commisioners. Mr. Giguere was an ornitholigist. It is a scientific term for a "bird watcher". He would spend weekends bird watching and he always shared his knowledge with me. I never took it as seriously as he did but whenever I see a different or interesting bird I fondly remember this man who helped me learn about this wonderful art.
Now I will be totally honest with you! I am not a fan of birds in mass quantities (remember the Hitchcock flick "The Birds"????) In fact, many years ago at the Denver Zoo I stood in line for hours, literally, with my oldest daughter who was a small child and my late Aunt Ang. We thought we were going to see the koala bear that was on loan from the San Diego zoo. When we got to the front of the line we were led into an atrium where there were birds flying everywhere! My Aunt mumbling "Heck no" and we turned and fled! I laugh out loud thinking of that moment! It was a July day and the temperatures were soaring into the double digits! None of us wanted to be hanging out with all those crazy birds!
 Another story I want to share is that I  was getting a fancy hairdo for a big dance I was attending in high school. My sister Mary, who attended beauty college and kept her beauticians license up all these years was doing my hair in an up swept hairdo with french curls! She had a little parakeet and that bird flew into my hair. He apparently thought I was a nest! That was a terrifying moment! I laugh now but feeling that bird scratch his little bird legs into my head! Oh! It stills sends a chill down my spine!
So before I get anymore long winded I want to ask you to stop by Angela's and join us for Tuesday's Show and Tail!
Please enjoy my google images of birds too!


  1. Oh, I so enjoyed your bird stories! Thanks for sharing it with us. I can just see you with that bird making his nest in your hair! ha! I know it wasn't funny at the time, but it sure made a memory!

  2. Thanks for the giggles today, sweet friend! I know it must have been horrid at the time, but I'll go to sleep happy and giggling about YOU tonight!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  3. I can't imagine a bird flying into my hair! YIKES!...:)JP

  4. I love birds! Even though I don't know the names of all of them they sure are fun to see! Beautiful pictures you found!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  5. I can only imagine what it was like to have a bird mistake your hair for a nest! wow, that must have been very scary!!!

  6. How funny. :) I love the bird photos. You know, it's funny, but in the last couple of years or so, I find myself quite taken with bird patterns on dishes and wallpaper. When I was younger, I would see those things and think, oh, that's for old people, and now, of course, well... lol Although I don't think I qualify as old yet, I have a new appreciation for the beauty of birds.

  7. I love the baby birds in the nest. I have many nests in my yard and a while ago I peeked into the newest nest of robin's eggs. Two were hatched and two eggs were still intact. It was so sweet.

  8. Awww, sweetie ... the little birdie saw a sweet lady & wanted to be your friend ... chuckle! You tell the cutest stories, Anne. Love birds as long as they are small ...

    Have a graet eve ~
    TTFN ~

  9. My sister was dive bombed by birds on a sea fishing trip. She was scared to death.

  10. Loved your bird stories! Made me smile! Thanks!

  11. I love to see two things - flowers and birds - gifts from God in delightful colors.

  12. fun bird stories! Although flying birds don't scare me, I would not have liked a bird to make a nest in my hair!

  13. *giggles*

    You have funny birdie stories...

    I only get pooped on... LOL!
