
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"T" is for Tea!

I am joining Jenny today for Alphabe Thursday. What fun!
I am going to post about tea today! I love tea! In the summer I love iced coffee and some time I do love hot coffee in the winter. But I have found so many wonderful benefits of tea!
I had a bad case of heartburn the other evening! I had just opened the mail and received a catalog from The Republic of Tea. They included a sample tea bag of a super tea called Pomegranate Green Tea! Oh My Goodness! I reused that little bag three times! I added a teaspoon of Wild honey to my cup and my heartburn was gone after the first cup! I am now waiting for my order to arrive. I purchased a 50 count tea tin of the green tea with pomegranate and also a blackberry sage tea! I am going to give this wonderful company lots of business. There are dozens of teas that I want to try. I am sorry but they are number one on my list and being a Colorado native I do like to give my business to Celestial Seasonings. But a lot of the flavorful teas they make contain soy lecithin. That junk gives me a migraine headache! So when I read the label and saw the pomegranate green tea had zero soy lecithin I was a happy camper!

So please try their tea today. Let me know  your favorite flavors of tea. I am always looking for new tea to try and also any other brands that are good!

Funny story here! I was shopping at Wal-Mart one day with a co worker for office supplies and we were looking for some lunch items. We walked down the tea aisle and found a cheap box of tea called Carrington tea. Now thinking it would be fun and elegant like the old Dynasty series on T.V. ages ago we each bought a box. It was ninety seven cents a box! It was awful tea! Tasted like dirt! Ha Ha! We had a good laugh over that one!

Now I am going to share a few photos of my own here with the tea collection items I have! Lots of my tea stuff is still in our storage here but I have a few items to share. The Republic of Teas images are courtesy of the company.
I hope you will enjoy a cup of tea with me! Go visit Jenny and all the participates of Alphabe Thursday!


  1. TEA!!! I love it!! Now I have to check out their site and see if I should order some in the future.

  2. So tell me do you think it tasted good - I am in need of some tea - and that had some good antioxidants! sandie

  3. I used to drink hot tea all the time and then when I turned 55 I started drinking coffee for the first time in my life! Now I do enjoy iced green tea and make it from time to time or have some at Starbucks, but I'm afraid I've become a coffee person in my old age. I enjoyed my visit!

  4. I love tea!!!!! I can drink tea any time of day whether it is hot out or cold. I simply just adore tea. I will have to look up the republic of tea to see what they have. I do like their teas.


  5. I am a tea lover too! No self respecting southerner would be caught dead without fresh brewed tea!
    Thanks for the tip. I'm going to try this for heart burn... much cheaper and healthier than Prevacid.

  6. My favorite tea is Earl Grey, because it has bergamot in it, and that gives you a sense of well-being. This was a great post, and I REALLY enjoyed reading it!!

  7. I love teas too.. My favorite are green teas from TWG.

  8. Been awhile since I've been here! Need to come visit more, read what's happening, have a cup of tea:)

    I never liked tea till I was in Boston last fall. My cousin convinced me to try some Chai I'm hooked:) I'll have to go check out this site. I may find something else I like...thanks!

  9. We love tea here too...make sun tea all summer and even on a winter's day on occasion.

    Thank you for mentioning soy lecithin as a possible migraine starter...I will be checking labels for that now as I have suffered with migraines all of my life and avoid certain ingredients.

  10. I don't care for tea. Maybe I've just never tried the right kind, ha.

  11. Ooh, I love tea! Chai tea, Thai tea, Peach tea, green tea -hahaha... I just love them tea! :)

  12. Carrington tea ... I love it! And the blackberry sage sounds delicious!

  13. That sounds awesome - I am going to check out the catty!

    I sure hope your grandson Colton is better soon...

    Have a fabulous week and thanks so much for dropping by!


    P.S. I am hosting a nice giveaway you might enjoy - be sure to stop back and check it out! :-)

  14. I'm mostly an iced tea girl of the Lipton decaffineated persuasion. However, you and a few other of today's writers might persuade me to spread my wings a little. Certainly the tea makers go out of their way to make their product attractive to buyers--most of it looks almost too pretty to drink.

  15. Many thanks for stopping by at mine!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend!

    XOXO Lola:)

  16. There is always time for a cup of tea.....we just need to pause and make it!

    Lovely T post.

  17. I need to get off some of the summer weight and think I will try having a cup of tea in the evening when my major moshing occurs. That sounds like a good tea and I didn't know about the soy lecithin.

  18. I really enjoy a good cup of tea with honey!

  19. WE drink lots of tea during the day. Love differents sorts too.Great T word

  20. Thank you my dear sweet friend... I needed your sweet comment. I love the tea post (spot of tea annyone).

  21. I do love a good cuppa tea, and of course, a little savory and a little sweet treat just seem to go hand in hand, don't you think? Thanks for stopping by. xo,

  22. I'm not a tea drinker but you make it sound so delicious! I probably should drink tea instead of coffee. Nice tea sets and so well written.

  23. I can drink iced sweet tea if someone gives me a glass, but I wouldn't choose it. The only tea I like is hot spiced chai.

  24. I wish I could drink tea! Well, I can drink herbal teas, and decaf green tea, so I will be thankful that I can do that!

    (Thanks for stopping by my blog!)

  25. We love tea! Chai tea and green tea and... Thank you for sharing about the Pomegranate Green Tea! I will need to look for that the next time we are out shopping.

    & I do love my Princess House hot beverage glasses/mugs too!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you for your sweet comments! It was fun to find that of the Three Stoogies singing the Alphabet song! haha My hubby LOVES the Three Stoogies too., so he got a kick seeing that little video clip. I had taught that song to my husband when we first got married...and we sang that to all three of our kids. I don't even remember where I first learned it.

  26. I really enjoy a big glass of ice tea. I like most flavored teas. My very favorite if raspberry. We are coming to Colorado, and hope we can work something out to meet you. That would be neat.

  27. tea bag containers are usually SO pretty! I'm going to get that pomegranate tea for my DH. Always trying to find new healthy drinks for him! Thanks {:-D

  28. I'm actually not a fan of tea so I'll share a diet Dr Pepper instead, it's already in a glass. Loved you photos!


  29. I'm actually not a fan of tea so I'll share a diet Dr Pepper instead, it's already in a glass. Loved you photos!


  30. Well, I love your Tea pictures and thoughts but I can't drink it. The tannic acid just tears my stomach up...I know..I'm weird. However, I will join you with a cuppa coffee anytime, Annie! xo Diana

  31. Tea is my favorite drink and I love pomegranate green tea. My favorite brand is Mighty Leaf or Tazo Tea.

  32. I've tried some of their teas and they are wonderful! Think I'll go brew some now! I'm on a chai kick right now and find it calms my tummy, too.

  33. Isn't it amusing how some of are into tea, while others prefer coffee! I do drink both, but it's the java I would not want to do without.

  34. The only teas I like are Iced Sweet Tea and hot tea at the Chinese Restaurant! Perhaps I will try some when it gets cooler! The Carrington tea sounds like it won't be purchased again:)

    Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  35. Tea is always a welcome comfort to me! You have beautiful tea sets.

  36. Thanks for visiting my blogs. All your pictures make me want to collect tea pots and stuff.

  37. Wonderful post! I'm a tea drinker, too.

    Thanks for stopping by and enjoying my painting! That gives me pleasure!

  38. oooh the teah looks so wonderful! I think with the macaroons on my blog and your tea we have a perfect tea time. Happy Pink SAturday. Thank you so much for stopping by. Grace

  39. I guess I will make a nice cup of tea right now -- great T post! :)

    Greetings from Germany,

    PS: See my T post here! :)

  40. I love that brand of tea, too! I've not tried those flavors, those, but they sound scrumptious!

    There is another brand call Rooiboos tea that is all natural as well. I don't know if you have Sprouts markets there, but they sell them at that store!

    Thanks for a TEAriffic link this week.


  41. I never knew Celestial Seasonings tea contained soy lecithin! I will have to begin to read labels more carefully. I like Yogi Tea, especially the Chai flavors. I usually like milk in my tea so Chai is my favorite herbal blend.
