
Saturday, October 15, 2011


I have missed a few Spiritual Sunday's. So I didn't want to miss it this week. I hope you visit Charlotte because she does a wonderful job keeping the meme up each week and filling our hearts with encouragement.
Today I want to talk about Down Syndrome. It is something lots of folks feel uncomfortable with. Unless it touches your life personally I guess a lot of folks don't think about it. I have not been touched by this personally but when I was a single, soon to be unwed mother in 1975 I worked as a volunteer for the local chapter of the Right to Life. I was shocked at the people who cruelly said awful things to us about the unborn and the children born imperfect, in their, shallow opinion. Years later I see our president of the US sitting smugly in the white house with no regard for these beautiful children. I have always been shocked by the Kennedy family  because their daughter  founded the Special Olympics and yet they are politically correct rich people. I never cared for Sylvester Stallone as I read that he and his first wife put their first born son into a mental institution because he was born imperfect and suffered from autism.
I tell you this story because of two woman who I believe had more courage then most of us. My good friend Ann Kihn was in her seventies when I worked with her at the county courthouse in Pueblo. She had three children and her youngest daughter Sharon was born with Down Syndrome. Ann had always felt that her baby was switched at birth and back then unless you had a lot of money nothing would be done about it. Nevertheless she took Sharon home and raised her. People told her to institutionalize Sharon but Ann worked with our boss Mary Shomer who raised her son John during a time when people thought he too, should be put away. Mary encouraged Ann to keep Sharon with her at home and until the day she died Annie took care of that girl. Sharon was a real pistol. She once hide a whole loaf of Wonder bread and consumed the whole thing while left alone while being attended by Ann's husband who hadn't worked in ages! He was, still holding out for that one dream job! Ann and Mary both had many trials with their children but their ultimate love and total sacrifice made them heroes in my book! I know when they met our Lord at Heaven's gate He told them both "Job well done".
When God allows a new life to enter this world He is ultimately in charge of that life. A woman I know who worked in a nursing home said her own grandmother always said children with Downs have pure souls. You can see God's light in them. I personally think they are here masquerading as angels for Our Lord.
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2
Psalm 139:13-16  For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you,when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
I have a video to share today. I hope you will participate in the Down Syndrome Awareness projects this month in your area and never forget these wonderful children who have enriched the lives of many.


  1. Thank you for visiting me and leaving your nice comments'
    I also cannot understand some peoples views and attitude towards disabled people, but who are we to judge. we don't always know the circumstances to their thinking.
    I have two down syndrome cousins and my dear friend has a grandson with downs also,so i am very aware of how much love these children and adults can give. The ones I spoke about are also very much loved and cared for by their families. I think everyone has a place in this world regardless of their dissability.

  2. It is so sad how people treat people that do not function at the same level they do. I never knew that about Sylvester Stallone. Isn't that awful?

    I grew up with a Down's boy that was born to my mother's best friend. He could not talk much but he could swear like a trooper!;>) AND he could speak perfectly when it came to knowing baseball players and all their stats and all their team stats. It was amazing. xo Diana

  3. We used to work in theraputic foster care and did respite care to give mom and and dad a break for a super little wild guy with ADHD and Downs. We adored him and he stole our family's heart. Our daughter used to work at the YMCA and still goes back as a volunteer due to the sweet young adults with Downs Syndrome who work there. She became so attached she went back to be with thim. THey all have so much to offer us if we open our hearts and minds to God's special creations.
    Thanks for sharing this...GOd bless.

  4. very well said.
    I have always held a sspecial place in my heart for Downe's children.
    Thank You.

  5. This made me thing that no human being is ever a mistake....beautiful

  6. There is a special needs boy in my Sunday school class. What gift he is to the class and to his family!

  7. I have known TWO families in my lifetime with Downs Syndrome children! They each have lived full lives at home with their parents! They both work and are sweet and happy! I know that Ms. Barbara thinks Eric is way too special to not live with her and Ms. Faye and Mr. Roger raised Donnie until they both passed away. Now Donnie lives with his Sister! Both are LOVED and happy! Thanks for this post, it made me think about these two sweethearts! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  8. What a lovely post! Truly, we live in the "perfection and strength is everything" society, and those who don't measure up are looked upon as adding nothing of significance or importance to society. How very sad!! I think we could learn alot about unconditional love from them!!


  9. I used to work with special needs kids and let me tell you that they are the nicest and sweetest kids you'll ever meet.


  10. Visiting from Spiritual Sunday; every child indeed is a gift from God "perfect" or "not" in the eyes of people, but all men, women, children have been made in his image. Sad some people don't feel that way.

    I have a Down syndrome 31-year-old nephew. He is a delight and knows and loves and serves the Lord. He knows so much scripture and not only memorized it but understands it. We are blessed to have him in our family :)


  11. I am a former Special Education teacher, currently working as a Recreational Therapist. I really appreciate any posts I see on people with disabilities. I have worked with this population for many years and it is a blessing. Thank you.

  12. We have known many Down's families since childhood. The children are wonderful & warm, sparkle like diamonds & despite their issues, brought/bring a lot of joy to their families, who would NOT give up on nor give away their child. One family had a boy & girl with Down's. They were so talented & happy.

    Shame on those that look down upon these beautiful children of God. Blessings for these precious families.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  13. Hi Anne Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh, what a gorgeous share today. Yes, we have been touched with Down Syndrome in our home as well. My husband was adopted, and after many, many years he found his birth mother. He also found that he had 5 brothers to get acquainted with. The youngest one was gifted with Down Syndrome. He is 54 years old and still alive. His heart is as pure as gold, and he has such a love for life, music and doesn't miss a beat in life. I cannot begin to tell you how beautiful he is. Dorothy (the mother) has been gone for over 4 years now, the Son, Wendell is still alive and blessing the lives of many with his joy of singing in the nursing home each and every day.

    I did not know that they had a special Down Syndrome month, so thank you for sharing sweet friend. I am so blessed to be touched by this beautiful gift of LOVE.

    I too have missed you sweet friend. What a blessing you are. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  14. I had no idea that it was Downs Syndrome month! Thanks for letting us know! Also, it is White Cane Awareness month too! I wish that these would also get as much publicity as the Breast Cancer. All three are so important!!!!


  15. lovely post. Children with Down Syndrome are a gift.

  16. I had a cousin with Downs... he was the nicest, sweetest, helpful guy I think I've ever known. His parents used ot fret about what would become of him (their only child) when they died - sadly he predeceased them and that worry was all for nought.

    Many people are.. just ... ignorant - I guess is the word I'll use... and they don't seem to mind displaying it.

  17. Thank you for this knowledgeable and informative post.

    I'm always saddened when people have no tolerance for 'different'.

    This was lovely Miss Anne.

  18. Thank you for sharing this beautiful thoughtful post. I have known a few of these special people through the years and their families always say they learned so much from them. I like the pure heart/angel comparison.
