
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Something Pink for Love is.../Pink Saturday/Spiritual Sunday

Love is...not getting angry! I thought this sweet little cartoon would be great to tie into Pink SaturdayLove is...and Spiritual Sunday. She is decked out in her pretty pink and white striped dress. She can represent Pink Saturday today.  She can tie into Spiritual Sunday because I have a beautiful verse that I want to share with this post. It is "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." Ephesians 4:26. Then you can visit the Love is...gang and share your favorite Love is...with all of us.

My parents taught this verse to me. I can not be honest if I say I have always followed their biblical advice. But as I get older I really do try harder. As a young bride some days it was tough not getting angry. But I can tell you, in my lifetime, while my folks were alive, I never saw them turn their backs on each other. I never saw terrible anger. Their marriage was a good and solid one based on their faith and their love for each other. I had wonderful parents and I was raised in such a kind and loving atmosphere that it was not difficult to want to model my own marriage after theirs.

Please visit these ladies, Marydon, Charlotte and Beverly and share something with each of them today. A kind word or a special post you wish to share with them because they are the wonderful ladies who make sure these weekly meme's go off. without a hitch. I am a late follower due to phamily. Nick's shingles, still not clearing up, my terrible tummy and just the daily grind.

Maybe this will cheer up your evening, providing you aren't dieting today!
A co worker gave me these cool cake pans but I am not into much decorative baking so I sent them home with my niece Karla and her hubby Aaron. These two are terrific cake decorators. So they made this beautiful pink cake for their daughter Kate's birthday. She shares that special date with her youngest brother Matt but he had to have a blizzard cake from DQ!


  1. I can honestly say that when I was younger I had a quick temper.... Now after nearly 60 years not so much. Nothing seems all that important to me as then!!
    I guess you can mellow with age just like fine wine.....

  2. What a wonderful example your parents set for you. I do think we "mellow" with age - I don't get upset over little things nearly as much as when I was younger. The pink cake is pretty and I'm sure it tastes yummy, too! Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comment!
    Cindy @ Art, Books, Tea

  3. Your parents set a wonderful example for you...anger can be so destructive...I admit I had a temper at times when I was young...not a good thing! 43 yrs of marriage now and a comittment to not let the sun go down on our anger has served us well. God bless..hope you feel better soon.

  4. Thanks for your comment on my blog, Renee's Reflections...appreciate it! Stop over and "see" me at My Autumn Years to read my link to Spiritual Sundays if you wish. God bless...and thanks again.

  5. Your parents set a wonderful example for you Anne, as you have done for your children.

    Poor Nick! Shingles takes so long to go away and is so painful while it lasts. I hope he begins to feel better soon. I'll keep him in my prayers

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. Ohhhhh, I love PINK, especially when it's cake!

    I had my own little melt-down today so will have to try to do better tomorrow on the "anger" issue. :-(

  7. Great advice- never go to bed mad. And many times I have had to stay up to make sure I didn't.
    My parents taught us the same thing and though I don't always follow their words to the T, this one is one I try to live by.

  8. Yummy looking cake, I know it is tasty! I was given that same advice when I was a Newlywed... NEVER go to bed mad:) Works for me! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  9. I have always heard that saying. It is a very good way to end the day. I think that was a great idea giving the cake pans to others,let them bake cake, and you enjoy it. I all far that. Trust all is well with you and family.

  10. G'evening!
    I, too, applaud your parents' example -- how blessed that you listened ... really listened.
    These days, I try not to close the lights without a smile or a kiss goodnight.
    Yes, in my past (when angry) the only one who missed a peaceful night's sleep was ME.

  11. Sounds like you were raised in the same way I was. Anger requires too much energy as far as I can see! Life is just too short to waste it being angry. Hugs to you and love, blessings and sunny days sent your way! Thanks for stopping by as I always enjoy your visits. Marilou

  12. What a beautiful example to grow up with! The cake turned out really nice! Hope you had a nice weekend!

  13. The photo of the pink cake reminds me of one my mom made for me on my 7th birthday. Thanks for the memory! Thanks for visiting my blogs. Hope you feel better by the time you read this!

  14. Your little pinkie is really having a bad attitude.. hope we don't ever appear that way!! The verse is so true, if we do go to bed angry it just festers and becomes larger than life. Thanks for coming by for a visit.

  15. Hi Anne.... Thanks for all of your nice comments on my blog... I hope that we do make it back to Colorado and that we do meet you someday!!!!!

    Love that Bible Verse.. It's always one of my fav's.... AND your PINKS for Pink Saturday work perfectly... Great post!!!


  16. I love that your parents were such great examples to you as you were growing up. That says so much about the love they had for one another.

  17. The minister that married us gave us that advise, I try to follow it, I don't always, but we do try.
    Thank You for sharing.

  18. That scripture is so important. Many don't realize that sleeping while angry allows adrenaline and cortisol to permeate the body. That sets the stage for illnesses of all kinds, not to mention chronic issues like cancer, diabetes, heart problems. That, of course, is secondary to what it does to our spiritual life. Thanks for sharing, God bless. Bobbi

  19. Great verse ... advice. Oh, if only we could adhere to these verses well.

    The cake is yummy! I'll be right over.

    Oh, Nick is really having a time isn't he. Please know that I am asking for him to have relief ...

    Have a beautiful week, my friend.
    TTFN ~
    Hugs of love,

  20. Anne, this is a beautiful and very thoughtful post. Happy Pink Saturday :)

  21. Your parents had some pretty good ideas. :)

  22. I hope his shingles are getting better. Those silly things really do hurt!

    Love the pink cake! I think I need to find something sweet to eat now!

  23. How blessed you are to have had parents who set such a good example for you. How much better this world would be if everyone could make that statement. That is a scripture that isn't always easy to obey but the advice makes such a difference in our lives. I don't remember my parents ever going to bed angry with each other. I can't hardly remember my mother ever getting angry. I'm sure she did but she was always quick to forgive any offense she felt. My dad got angry rather easily but he got over it just as fast. He never held a grudge. I think I was blessed to have their example in this area.
    Hope you are having a great week.
