
Friday, January 27, 2012

Feeling Blue: A Pink Post!

I found this google image to be so charming. I have felt a bit blue all week long. Nick's trip to the Kansas Weleyans was quite wonderful but thinking about borrowing the money to send him off to school is weighing heavy on our minds. Prayer is always good: "Pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

This is such a calm and serene scene. I feel better when I trust the Lord: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:4-6

Some cheerful art to brighten your day!  "Each one must do just as he purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

A collage of beautiful Paris inspired pinks! :" I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13

Please visit Beverly and all the wonderful pinkies this week. Enjoy your weekend!

Come visit the Burritos too. for Color Connection too.


  1. Such a nice post, praying for you.

  2. I hope you feel pink soon, it's not nice to feel blue!

    My PINK. I would like to invite you also to my meme, come link with me with Color Connection.

  3. Anne you and I are having similar issues today. Hugs. sandie

  4. What pretty pics. With Him all things are possible, again...and again...and again. I'll say a little prayer too.
    Stop by my blog for a little giveaway fun.

  5. All such wonderful images for a Pink Saturday! Hope your weekend is wonderful and thanks for stopping by!


  6. Love the verses you posted!


  7. I love the painting but you did not mention who made it?

  8. Did ya see the freebies!!!!! I could not believe the selection!
    Good luck 8)

  9. Love the images...and sorry about the money situation... {{{hugs}}} :):):)

  10. Praying for guidance thru these times! I know that God will answer your prayers and you will feel better! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  11. Happy Pink Saturday, Your images are beautiful and work well with all the scripture verses. Thanks for sharing. Joyous Wishes! Linda

  12. Beautiful post. I am praying for some peace for you..and the college money situation to be resolved. It is hard to always be upbeat and totally depend on the Lord, isn't it? In our humaness we keep trying to take back the control. xo Diana

  13. Anne, the blues hit everyone...some just don't admit it! Feel up soon...:)JP

  14. The verses "hit" the spot--some of them are my most repeated ones. We humans are always so impatient, aren't we? Have a good weekend.♥♫

  15. Someone told me once that it's a sin to worry. This was a beautiful post. I hope you're finding some peace in your decisions.
