
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

J is for James (the Book of)

My father kept his bible at his bedside. I use to love to pick it up and flip through the pages. My dad used a lot of quotes and sayings that came straight from his bible and particularly from the Book of James. It is one of my favorite books So I want to use the Book of James as my "J" word today for Miss Jennys Alphabe Thursday!

If anyone thinks himself to be religious and yet does not bridle his tongue he deceives his own heart, and his religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress , and to keep ones self unstained by the world." James 1

My dad was a wonderful person. His brother, who was a year older than he was, passed away at a young age and left a widow and six children. My dad always attended to my aunt until he passed away. He always said the Lord wanted us to care for widows and their children.

The third chapter of James speaks about the tongue . It is wicked although it is a very small part of the human body. My dad always warned us against gossip. It really is a wicked thing because someone says one thing and it ends up being taken out of context and often gossip can harm a person and even destroy their reputation.

God is opposed to the proud and gives grace to the humble. This is part of the 4th chapter of James. The Book of James, chapter 4 also talks about how often we say tomorrow I will do this or that. My dad always said "God willing, tomorrow we can do this or that." I always heard my dad say this and today I find myself saying it as well.

If you know the book of James that is awesome! If you dont or you need to brush up on it please reread it. It is full of lots of grace and wisdom.

I hope you enjoyed your visit today. Come back soon.  Now visit Miss Jenny and all the participates of Alphabe Thursday!


  1. your dad sounded like a great man. Love the passages... My sons middle name is James

    visiting from jenny matlock Im link #34

  2. What a great "J" post. I Need to reread James - it's been a while.

  3. That's a great "J" post, Anne. You know my dad loves his Bible..and he has one in particular, that he carries with him everywhere "because you never know when you'll need a Bible" :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  4. I very much enjoyed my visit today.

  5. James is full of wisdom...and ah yes, that devilish small, yet so hard to control.

  6. Your Dad sounds like he was one amazing man! Beautiful post today! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  7. Gotta love a Bible on the nightstand:) Your Dad sounds like a Godly Man! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  8. Your father sounds wonderful .... Lovely memories for you!
    Have a Great Day!

  9. Great *J* post – need to reread James too.

    Visiting from Mrs Matlock's too,

    Have a good Alphabe-Thursday

  10. James is a good read, and so is John. Well, the whole book is good actually...


  11. Loving your Dad even though I never knew him! I am working one of those read-your-bible-through-in-a-year programs. It is working great and I find that I am reading parts of the bible that I would ususally just skim over. xo Diana

  12. Your Dad was a very special person. He read his Bible and also practiced what he preached. He stood by his brother's wife until he died, and that's a very kind thing to do. He taught you well.

    I enjoy flipping through old Bibles at antique stores. I like to see where they fall open. On occasion they're marked and I find it interesting to see what Bible verse was special to the person.

  13. My favorite is JOB...great memories of your dad.

  14. What a thought provoking and inspiring link to the letter J.

    You've given me a few things to think about here.

    Thank you.

