
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Collection of Things

It is 8:15 P.M. MST so I am getting really tight with time to wish you all a beautiful Valentine's Day! I have been under the weather! All weekend long I was bothered by my right ear! It felt plugged and made me dizzy! I also felt some sinus pressure! So Monday morning I pulled my chart at work and hopped in the chair (in place of a patient who had rescheduled last minute)! The doctor said I had lots of negative pressure in my ear so the Audiologist tested it! The doctor gave me a five day course of anti-biotics!  Today I feel a little better! So I am going to share my Valentine's Day with you and add my Love is.. (Sunday) and Blue Monday to this post! I need to prepare my posts ahead of time and then release them appropriately. Someday's I just get overwhelmed! Marydon and Sherry share their favorite Love is.. too! Hurry over to visit!

My "Sweets" gave me the sweetest Valentine's Day card. It is perfect and he knows me so well! Too limited on time to snap photos. So you have to go with my google images!
A"blue" wrapped Lindt truffle. A patient's wife gave "us girls" a bag of red wrapped Lindt truffles! Yum!
Another patient gave us these:
A vendor gave us these cute tiara hair clips! Laugh Out Loud!
Another vendor gave us these:(notice the "blue" socks)

I came home from work and made lasagne for the phamily!
A meaty variety for half of us and
Cheesy lasagne for the other half! Fortunately for me my local grocer has a nice selection of heat and serve lasagne trays for a quick meal and they were on sale!
Some sparkling juice for dinner or

Beautiful "red" wine!
My favorite Valentine, Lady and the Tramp! Aw......too cute! They have a pretty "blue" background and blue tablecloth!
I hope you liked my Valentine wish for you today!
 Our new security doors are going to be installed on Friday! Yea!

 The new water heater Saturday was our "Valentine" gift for the phamily! It cost a lot of money! Whew!
One more "blue" for the Blue Monday crowd! Sally is the "blue" Monday queen! Please visit her too!


  1. Hope your ear drains soon. Still having trouble with mine! ARG!
    Happy Heart Day!
    Love the candy...enjoy it with your tiara clip and heart socks!

  2. Ohhhhhhhh I hope you feel better soon! LOVING this post!! Looks like you had a great Valentine's!

  3. Enjoyed this, sorry you do not feel well.

  4. This is a great post full of Valentine goodies. Those blue socks are cute!

  5. Oh goodness, I hope you feel better! The weather does weird things to us, gets my sinus every time!

    Sweet Valentine's Day celebration, lasagna looks yummy!

    Have a blessed and "feel better" kinda day, HUGS!

  6. Ann, I hope this passes quickly. I think ear aches are the worst ever to have. Sending some lovin' your way ...

    Have a beautiful day.
    TTFN ~

  7. Hi Anne Sweetie...
    A gorgeous write today. I love it when you share.

    Looks like you had a fun day. A patient yourself instead of just seeing patients. Always strange being on the other side of the chair isn't it? Hope the antibiotics have you back in the swing of things in no time at all.

    Love those little blue socks. They are so darn cute. Perfect for the Blue Day occasion. I know Sweet Sally was smilin at those beauties.

    We just recently replaced our hot water tank as well. We got off lucky though, our son does plumbing on the side, and he installed it, we only purchased it. Aren't kids the best? I always knew he would come in handy at some point and time.

    Hope you have a gorgeous day sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  8. Here's hoping that you feel better and that you're Valentine's Day was as great as your post!...:)JP

  9. Hi Anne!!!

    I do hope you feel even better tomorrow! We had to replace our tank in 2008!! I remember how expensive it was! I love all of your blue, especially the Lady and the Tramp picture. I just bought that DVD yesterday as a Valentine's Day present to me!


  10. I hope you are feeling better today! I love those truffles and my husband always get me some for Valentine's Day! I also buy them for myself when they are on sale from time to time! lol


  11. Hope your ear is soon clear so you can hear!


  12. I love marshmallows and good wine, good photos. Greetings.
