
Saturday, February 11, 2012


I am sure you all know the Pink Panther! He was always a cartoon favorite when I was a kid! He went on to great fame and fortune as the spokesperson for insulation! When we bought our house last year the two car garage was partially insulated. We plan to upgrade and finish that job along with adding extra insulation throughout the outer walls of our home.
When you live in a cold weather area you are always looking for ways to keep the house warm and cool without breaking your budget! Perhaps this is not the romantic post you were looking for but when you home is warm and cozy in the winter and cool and enjoyable in the summer your home is a perfect paradise!
I thought the Pink Panther was a nice reminder to all that Pink Saturday is here and we should  all wish Beverly a wonderful weekend and thank her for her ongoing support of this weekly fun!
Take a moment and visit some pinkies. There is always someone new to visit and you know you love to stop by the old favorites!
I am thinking about Spring since we will have a high today of twenty degrees! These red and pink roses look and smell delightful!

Enjoy your Valentine's Day and be kind to someone you don't know today. A trivia bit for you before I close, did you know that women want electronics for Valentine's Day over sweet treats and flowers? 


  1. On a day like today, I'll take insulation over electronics! We have more snow and with the wind last night it piled up again! Stay warm and avoid any ice.♥♫

  2. What a job that is to insulate-an itchy job!
    Now...if you could coat those electronics with CHOCOLATE that would be perfect! xo diana

  3. I told my husband "No Sweet Treats" for me, as I'm dieting, however he could take me out to dinner & a movie. Electronics? I think I've got what I need. For now. ;-)

  4. Love the sweet smell of roses:) I just heard on one of the talk shows that electronics was high on the list for Valentine's Day gifts! Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  5. We don't feel like loving if it isn't cozy... great reminder to all to look for ways to save heat and energy.. Happy Valentine's day


  6. Love how you strut your Pink! So glad I saw you at Beverly's Pink Saturday. ~Diane (I am #16)

  7. Love the Pink Panther! Your post is perfect for pink. Fun post. Have a nice Valentine's day!

  8. We have the pink panther insulation in our house too. the salesman gave me a pink panther beanie baby. I still have it somewhere.

    I find it amusing that women want electronics instead of chocolate and flowers.


  9. Awwww...what a cute, cute pink post! Happy Valentines Day, lovely lady.

  10. Anne, I'm just visiting again from Judie's link! You are still as cute as you were in that picture!

