
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

L is for Love is....

Ms. Jenny's a great teacher! She rallies us each week to think about these posts we all manage to pull together. For instance, if you stop by my friend Judie's post you will see that she is a lovely lady with a kind heart! For the past two weeks  she has made her posts about all of us. You just have to put on your thinking cap and match the  childhood photos to their rightful blog owners! Judie is one lucky lady, lively and loved by many. She is lots of fun to get to know! Go visit her soon.

It is a fact that I L O V E the cartoon Love Kim Caselli. Although Kim passed away her sweet Love is...lives on because her son took over the idea and today it is still in print with someone  filling Kim's shoes. Here are a few of those Love is... vintage and new:
I like this one a lot! I think joy in the morning brings peace throughout our day and makes us smile lots!
Ha Ha! I am the fearless Sagittarian! I am not fond of mice or spiders but I am a December baby!
After the crazy upside down week I am having I am ready to "go with the flow"!
My Sweets and I are going to buy bikes this Spring! Hopefully they will help us put a "new" spring in our step!
Hee Hee! When our kids were younger they built forts and tunnels in the deep snow. After last weeks huge snow storm even had some folks "tebowing" their snowman!
Oh, I just could not resist!
Now for a bit of color:
I am not a seamstressbut I sure admire those of you that are so crafty!
Aw....a special day just for the two of you!
Do you think spring can be far away?

I hope you enjoyed my "L" letter today. February is the month of Love and I hope you will come join us with Love is...Just stop by Marydon's and come join the fun each week!

Don't forget to visit the Alphabe Thursday gang and leave Ms. Jenny a comment today! Have a lighthearted day!


  1. Loving that Tebow photo....and loving the 'love is...' cartoons... always have loved those!

  2. My goodness! I remember these ads in the paper... I LOVED them!!
    Thank you for the memories...

  3. Love all of you Love-is cartoons:) AND I LOVE/LOVE/LOVE the Tebow snowman! Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day dear Anne, HUGS!

  4. Oh, Anne. This is just delightful & wonderful the way you pulled them all together. God bless Kim Casell's soul for all the LOVE she has given us.

    Tebow is dynamite!!! Love it.

    At first I thought, OMGosh, I forgot to visit Anne ... thank heaven that isn't the case.

    Happy belated birthday Anne ... I didn't realize you are Dec.

    Have a beautiful loving month.
    TTFN ~

  5. Great *L* post – so cute!

    Have a great weekend,


  6. What a cute and precious tribute to 'L' and Love!!!

    Spring....'bout 40 days away but in this frost holler I dare not put out plants 'till May 15th. {{{SIGH}}}

    It's hard, but I've learned to wait.

    You have a bless and beautiful day sweet friend!!! :o)

  7. This post makes me think spring is right around the corner!

    We can hope!

  8. Came here by way of Judie's blog and your cute picture. Enjoyed the Love is cartoons.

    Reid wore the apron this week in my Alphabe-Thursday post. Thanks again!

  9. Wow! That Tebow snowman is really large! It must have stopped!

    I hope you all fared well with all the snow in Denver this winter--my son and my daughter both had days off work because of it, so they weren't complaining.

    I enjoyed the "Love is.." cartoons..they say a lot with such few words. Very sweet!

  10. Hi Anne, I always loved these cartoons too, but did not know anything about the author. Thanks for sharing and for your visit. xo

  11. I haven't seen these cartoons for ages, but i used to love them! I really enjoyed your post today!

  12. Yes, without a doubt the best L is for LOVE, beautiful and fun illustrations. Greetings.

  13. Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words. I can see that you too like lavender.
    You are one of the few bloggers I've run in to that's having lots of snow. Usually we do in our part of Ontario but it's been a mild winter with only pulling the boots out a few times.
    Lots of 'love' in blog land.

  14. Aw! I used to collect these little LOVE is... cartoons from the paper (I have them in some of my high school scrap books). I also went to check out the link to Judie's that you shared, but the link goes to another site. We like to cheer on Tebow and Wow! that tebowing snowman is huge!!!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you my dear friend, so very much for your lovely visit, your sweet well wishes on our upcoming 30th & we are looking forward to the other family celebrations ahead. And Congratulations on your upcoming May anniversary of 28 years :o)..after being away from blogland, I was wondering if anyone would still stop by my place!)

  15. I had no idea they were still publishing the "Love is" series. When I was in high school, I always cut these out of the paper and saved them in a box but that was many years ago! I love the Tebow snowman, he is such a fine young man and I would be proud if my girls brought home a boyfriend like him. I enjoyed visiting your blog, blessings, Nan

  16. Anne, thanks for your "lovely" remarks about my kids posts. I am late reading all the AT posts because I seem to have way too much on my plate this past week. I LOVE all your Love Is pics!

    Love is having wonderful blogger friends like you!!!

  17. I always enjoyed those Love is quotes, too. Thanks for reminding me!

  18. What a perfectly lovely link for the Letter "L".

    You are just such a joy, my dear!

    Happy Valentines Day!




  19. I had not seen the Love is comics before. They are sweet. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by The Simple Life.

  20. Beautiful L post! We should have more love in this word. I "love" all the image in this post, including the snow thinker..
