
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"M" is for Moon!

We still have this children's book! Nick particularly loved this book as a child and loved hearing it at bedtime. I love the moon so it was the reason I originally bought the book! I am going to find it in our storage this Spring and put it on a shelf!
I am always amazed at God's creativity. Who could design the earth, the sun, the moon? Someone with greater knowledge than we could possibly fathom! I love finding facts about the planets and the sun and moon.
A full moon! Oohh...when you work in the medical field and particularly in the emergency room of a hospital you dread the full moon! Why? Because all the weirdness in people comes crashing through the doors ! Full moons also bring labor on and lots of babies are always born! It is funny how God has this sense of humor and uses it to show us His handiwork!
A new moon is so delightful! I love how the crescent starts to outline the whole moon!

This a very gorgeous moon! It looks like there is a light inside of it!
I love this and thought the moon was  perfect for Alphabe Thursday ! Now don't forget to visit Ms. Jenny
"He counts the number of the stars ; he gives names to all of them. " Psalm 147:4

"Praise Him sun and moon; Praise Him all stars of light." Psalm 148:3


  1. I love Goodnight Moon! Both my girls loved it. I have given it to Tiger and we read it all the time! :)

  2. JDaniel loves to look for the moon during the day.

  3. I love the moon and stars. I have a tatooe on my right arm of the sun kissing the moon.

  4. We love that book too!! Such a great post!!

  5. The moon is one my favorite looking at it when driving at night through the country to get home from town. Or just sitting in the swing in the yard. I used to look at the moon through my bedroom window at night. Its a great thing.

  6. Oh.. I love this!!!
    The photos the book!
    Great post!
    Cricket @ Gypsea Nurse

  7. Love your next to last rendition of the moon!

  8. A favorite of all my grandsons.That and Corduroy.~Ames

  9. I love the moon, beautiful photos.

  10. Biggest full moon I've ever seen has been in the fall on a mountain about 11,000 feet up...awesoMe:)

  11. Wonderful post and pictures of the beautiful moon. I love the midnight moon too and all the sky has to offer.

  12. Oh what a sweet book! Love the MOON, any time of the month! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  13. Good morning Anne, Five weeks of company left this week and I am finally getting back on my computer. This company does not even have a computer so you see what I was up against. Anyway I am happy to be here this morning.

    I love your moon post. I remember that children's book too. I too read to my children and guess what? They all love to read. We have taken some wonderful moon shots from our deck here in the mountains. My grandson, when he was just talking shocked me one evening when we were visiting. I picked him up and took him outside to show him the stars and we looked up and he said, "Crescent moon." It was a crescent moon. I ran in the house to tell my daughter and she had taught him that the night before. Smile. I agree, God shows us so many things that make us remember our many blessings.

    Happy days to you and yours.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  14. Great *M* post – love the moon too!

    Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s, have a great Alphabe-Thursday and weekend too,

    XOXO Lola:)

    PS Thank you for yr lovely comment!

  15. Very nice photos of the moon.
    Before retiring, hubby was a firefighter and yes, he dreaded the increased activity a full moon brought.

  16. That is a great M find: Moon. I heard these stories about full moon about people getting crazier than they already are and kids being born when it is full moon.
    So it is wellknown all over the world. :)))

  17. Wonderful timeless book. There is something magical and mysterious about the moon. Great post!

  18. Beautiful moon pictures ! Unfortunately it's still too expensive to go to the moon and looking down on our good old world !

  19. what a wonderful post! We bought an inexpensive telescope but good enough to see the moon in detail a few years ago! I had no idea how fabulous it really was. I have seen the moon like your last picture a couples of times in my life and it is unbelievable. Isn't it funny that weird things really do happen during a full moon?! Yes, God's creativity is overwhelming. My favorite thing is looking at the pictures from the Hubble telescope!

    Love, love, love your purple background!

  20. I loved your post today! Yes, I too am always amazed at God's creations around us, every day, never ending. Living on the coast the Moon plays a big role in our tides. Certain times of the year we will have astronomical high tides because of the phase of the moon. Usually when this happens it sends water over the roads. Have a wonderful weekend, hugs Nan

  21. Wonderful post! I always loved Goodnight Moon too! When I was in retail we dreaded the full moon~ it brought in all the crazy people :)

  22. We love looking at the moon here too! I do know that when there is a full moon I have a hard time getting to sleep. Not sure why that is but it never fails. I also keep our bedroom extremely dark so it isn't because it is shining in our room.


  23. Love that gorgeous moon! And I also love Goodnight Moon, which I read to my little ones every night for years...all four of them.


  24. Love your "M" post!

  25. wonderful moon photos!
    Goodnight Moon is such a cool book!

  26. First time for me to meet someone who has such great passion for the moon. i love to hear more of your stories about the moon... and your collection of photos for the moon are fantastic as well... Thanks for sharing.

  27. I read recently that someone suggested giving our moon a name like the other planets' moons have! Great "M" post, Anne!!

  28. Hello.
    God certainly knew what He was doing when He created earth for us to live on...what a wonderful gift indeed! This reminds me of my holiday last year to the Caribbean. There was this one night we were all out for a night drive, it was full moon & the moon was so low & bright in the sky, you felt like you could just reach up & touch it. Wish I'd had the camera with me to capture it...maybe next time.
    Nice post.
    Thanks for sharing & visiting.

    Midnight Rainbow

  29. Hi Anne, Goodnight Moon has always been one of my favorite chldren's books. I read it to my kids and my grands....

    Hope you are doing fine... Have a wonderful weekend.

  30. Hi: I have read that book to my children and now my Grandchildren are reading it. It bringsw back so many memories. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Martha

  31. I love seeing the moon too in the various stages, and especially like the photo of the huge one above the tree line that looks like there is a light inside of it!

    Wonderful scripture verses to go with your post too.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you for stopping by!

  32. Yes, that was the perfect M post!! Stunning photos!

    Thanks for enjoying my painting in progress. There's more to come!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  33. As a retired RN who used to work in PACU and dread those full moon nights, ...I totally identify! Loved your beautiful moon photos.

  34. This is a Majestic post...

    I too loved that book as a child and read it to my children and my grands....

    Marvelous link to the letter "M"!


  35. I too love the moon! The stars & sun too, and the planets and space really.... it's all pretty amazing when you think about it:-)
