
Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Nostalgic Pink Saturday

I wanted to show off our new security/storm doors. They are so gorgeous! The first home we owned still has our original door on it. It looks like new and was installed in 1985! They are not pink but they are so new and pretty in shiny black!

I was watching Toy Story 3! It reminds me of Nick! Goodness, he received information about a college in state today and he was a bit excited! So I watch and get teary eyed and blubber! It is hard to see your youngest go off to college!
My favorite number 3 with the poster from Toy Story 3~ See the little pink pig?

Here is the pink pig again! He is Hamm from the Toy Story movie series. I didn't want to show Lotso! He is the evil pink bear that runs the show at the Sunnyside Day Care/School.
So while I sit and think about my sweet boy growing up so quickly I wanted to share a flying pink pig with you today.
I hope you will visit Beverly and thank her for the weekly support and all her timeless work to pull this off. It is such a pleasure to know all of you! Go visit lots of Pinkies this weekend and please have a beautiful day!


  1. Hi Anne,
    That's a cute piggy! Speaking of piggies, have you seen the little piggie in the Geico commercials? He's too cute! Wheeeeee!!!

    It was hard on us when our youngest went off to college too. Ours went 2000 miles away too so we only got to see him at Christmas time. He's almost through and heading off to University of Illinois in the Fall to teach. We live in Canada on the Atlantic coast so he's still going to be far away.

    Thanks for stopping by to see my pinks and thank you for your sweet comment. Always a pleasure to have you visit me. Have a delightful Pink Saturday weekend.


  2. Everyone needs a storm door. I really like yours. However, the flying pig takes the cake.

  3. Good looking doors, and I'm sure in the city you would need them. I don't know what I'd do if Sarah and Alex lived far away. Alex's mom and dad live in the Philippines and I don't know how they do it with their boy so far away!♥♫

  4. HI Anne with an "e" :) :)
    I understand the security feature...but what about the "storm" function? Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  5. I think you should put up a pretty wreath full of pretty PINK roses and PINK ribbons!

    thanks for stopping by French Lique today and inviting me over!

  6. We have a security door and I love it. You never have to shut the front door or be afraid because there is no way to get inside.
    Your door is beautiful and will bring you years of fresh air and beauty.
    Happy Pink Saturday to you and yours.
    I remember when I used to say, "when pigs fly." I guess that takes care of that, doens't it? :)

  7. Anne, thanks for stopping by Riverside Studios to visit on Pink Saturday. Congratulations on the college-bound "baby". It's so exciting. Have a Pink week.

  8. Loving the new doors and loveeeeeeeee Toy Story 3!! I cried like a baby at the end!!

  9. Awww, that is hard. But you'll do great and so will he. :) And such fun pink things for this fun Pink Saturday. Have a blessed weekend!

  10. Hi Anne Sweetie...
    Happy Pink Saturday and a beautiful share indeed. I loved Ham in the Toy Story movie. So cute and what memories of time spent with the grands for me.

    Love your new security doors sweet friend, the look beautiful on your home. Love security doors, we have them here in the valley, wouldn't be without them.

    Sounds like congrats are in order for Nick. I knew he would get grabbed up with his track record. I hope it will get him a wonderful scholarship.

    Have a glorious weekend sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  11. Love your new doors. The flying pig is adorable!
