
Thursday, March 1, 2012


Please visit Ms. Jenny and share your "O" post with all of us today! I am behind and it is because we are swamped at my office! Oh My Goodness, it never stops. So I am going to share my post with the letter "O". It is organized!

Since we moved into our house in November 2010 I have struggled to get organized. Our garage is overflowing with stuff! Everywhere I look there is clutter. Overstuffed drawers and cupboards.  So I am enlisting your help! Anyone who wants to give me some advice please do!

It is daunting to think of the clutter and all the downsizing we must do! But somehow we will get it all done. In the past three weeks we have replaced the water heater and had the C-trap cleaned!  We have not had time for our regular household chores. These homeowner problems take away from our regular activities.
The warmer weather is around the corner, I can be hopeful and believe it! Our runner is getting ready for his first track meet next weekend. So there goes the weekends!

I suppose we could start in one room and go on the the next! Hmmm....
Wish us well and once we have our new camera we can shoot some photos. I would tell you about that new camera but it is for another Alphabe Thursday
We just have to keep an optimistic outlook on this overbearing mess! Eventually we are hopeful it will be free of clutter and open our lives to some fun in the sun!
Did you know that March 9th is Organizing Your Home Office Day?
"God is not a God of disorder but of peace." 1 Corinthians 14:33
These photos are courtesy of google images.


  1. Bless your heart, I know how hard it can be to get organized.

  2. I soooooooooooo wish I was closer... my nickname amongst friends is "The Miracle Worker" ... I can organize everything! Good luck my friend... just remember not to overwhelm yourself... one task/room at a time!

  3. I have been spending a day here and there organizing my home! IT IS A HUGE JOB! BUT, each day that I work on it... it feels really good!

    Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!

  4. Hello there. As we moved back in 2003, I knew the difficulty of organizing things. But I think what helped my family and I was we went through one box at a time. And we tried not to tarry because we knew the more we procrastinated, the lesser things would be accomplished. I love the truth from the Scripture you shared. So I pray that for you for Him to guide you and give you His gift of discernment. God bless.

  5. hahahaha, this word only exsits in my dreams!

  6. I need to organize as well. Its hard to do when you sell on Ebay. You hate to give something away because it just might sell so there it sits month after month takig up the already too small space. Good luck

  7. boy do I totally understand!!! I am working on organizing my office and house too. So far, the family room/library/craft and sewing room is done. The living was done, but since I haven't finished putting away the Christmas decorations, I can't say it is finished. My room, is far from being done. The guest bedroom and mom's room is close to being done. I am using mom's room as a guest room. Funny how despite her being in Heaven, it is still her room! What can I say?

    I hope you are having a great day!


  8. boy do I totally understand!!! I am working on organizing my office and house too. So far, the family room/library/craft and sewing room is done. The living was done, but since I haven't finished putting away the Christmas decorations, I can't say it is finished. My room, is far from being done. The guest bedroom and mom's room is close to being done. I am using mom's room as a guest room. Funny how despite her being in Heaven, it is still her room! What can I say?

    I hope you are having a great day!


  9. haha, yes, I can relate to that last picture!!

  10. I can sure sympathize with you! That is exactly what I am working on right now! Organizing. xo Diana

  11. My hubby and I are like the odd couple! He is the messy one, I am not! Every time I clear away something, he just messes t up. I so understand your problem! I plan to start, one room at a time, and hopefully hubby will understand. There are lots of organizing ideas on Pitnerest, that I have pinned. thanks for stopping by.

  12. Good luck! I'm doing the same, tedious thing this weekend. Just trying to stay ahead of the clutter that comes in is a chore - and then there's the stuff that accumulates. Yikes!

  13. I find that getting organised is a never-ending task, though there are definite high points when a room or area is done. Mainly, I try not to hang on to stuff I no longer need.

  14. Organizing is certainly difficult. I am good on the surface but not so organized in the cabinets. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Kim

  15. My house is over stuffed also, so I wish you well. Our problem is that instead of moving in, we'll be moving out and having to downsize. I feel a yard sale coming on this spring. :)

  16. I have been working on organizing, too. After four years of "just getting by" I can't stand it anymore. I'm insisting on order. A friend posted an idea of starting on your closets (not sure why) I have about 10 closets in our house, and I'm mid-way through the 4th one. So far I'm liking it. One thing that is good is it seems like they are staying organized, whereas when I start in the middle of a room my kids come along and ruin it before I even have the satisfaction of seeing it clean. I haven't blogged about it yet because it doesn't really fit my blog, but I am surely enjoying the results so far. Here's hoping I can stick with it.

  17. Good thing I was not home on Organizing Your Office Day! just kidding!
    The last picture is very funny and most probably closer to the truth on many days.
    Organizing can be difficult, especially after moving. wishing you luck!

  18. I'm having this exact same problem Miss Anne. It's so hard to find places to put stuff I want to keep. We finally caved and rented a small storage unit but still...gosh...and I did so much sorting before we moved!

    I wish you the best of luck in this outstanding endeavor!

    You can do it!

    Rah, Rah Anne!

    Hugs and A+

  19. seems we have a lot in common! I too am struggling to keep things together and organized with the move I just had too!!!
    I have been doing all my own renovations as I have a lot of mess!
