
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

LOVE Is....

Jayden filling his daddy's big boots!
My Sweets ran these as a high school teen! I could never get the hang of it! There is a pretty girl at my grandsons school with bigger hair than Diana Ross wore in the 60's and she can clear these hurdles like a champ! I know her hair must weigh more than she does!
This is us trying to get through these winter winds! I have a new sinus infection. My Sweets pulled something in his right shoulder. We are a pair.
Now I am very late but I want you to visit Marydon and Sherry. Have a beautiful day!


  1. You're never late - you are just in time. Always.

    Say is it your birthday today? I am not sure. When is it Anne?


  2. Good morning Anne, This is just adorable. It can't get cuter than this.

    I hope you both are better soon. A prayer will it comes.

  3. I know when your birthday is *wink* ;) I loveeeee that photo!! Toooooo cute!

  4. Jayden is so little and of course, adorable. I ran track in high school but I was afraid of the hurdles.

  5. Cute picture of Jayden in those boots! Love your "love is" quotes! Hope you and the HUBS feel better, HUGS!

  6. Your grandson Jayden is so adorable, Anne!

    It sounds like it may be close to your birthday from other comments--hope you feel better soon
    and have a very celebration!

    PS: My daughter travels to Pueblo once a week for her job. Do you have any recommendations of where she should eat? This week she has to travel to Aspen. I always worry when she drives up on those snowy mountain roads.

  7. Hi Anne....Sooo happy you stopped by my blog and commented. Also glad (relieved) to know you love dolls, too. Sometimes I worry people won't be interested in my doll posts. ha haha Is your Rapunzel doll similar to mine? Aren't dolls wonderful? Susan

  8. awwww, hope you both feel better really soon, dear one.

  9. Good Morning Anne Sweetie...
    Oh how beautiful is this share this morning. I love the little hurdle runners, that is so darn cute, and of course we love those cold nights and days when we have a little time to snuggle.

    Sorry to hear that you are having sinus issues. No fun at all. We are having a lot of sneezing going on, with everything in full bloom.

    Have a good day sweetie. So happy to stop over and visit. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  10. Anne, sorry everything seems to be happening at once for you and family. Trust you are better today. We have not had any winter in Texas. That baby is precious.

  11. OMGolly! I missed you. That baby is adroable!! I am so sorry, Anne. Hope you both are doing fine now, sweetie.

    I hope you will pop by to help us bring 'angel love' for a young girl who is sick.

    Thank you.
    Have a beautiful week ~

  12. Jayden is toooooo cute!!!


    Hope you are feeling better -
