
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"W" is for Wellness

I feel like a bear!
Hibernating all winter long! Now I need to get up and get outdoors and get lots of exercise!
Why can't any of these commercials show real people? They never show anyone who truly wants to lose a few lbs. They have super model and celebrity bodies showing you how to get rid of that unsightly fat! LOL!
I have to admit, Richard Simmons really worked out with "real" people! He inspired me but not as much as
Jack LaLanne! He was the ultimate "godfather" of fitness. His wellness techniques allowed him to live a very long life. He passed away at the age of 96!

Instead of wishing for a healthier lifestyle I am going to start on one this summer.. With Nick heading off to college in Kansas we will be  traveling a lot. So burning off a few pounds and feeling stronger will be a great benefit.

We juice a lot and we have, a Jack LaLanne juicer as well as a Montel Williams Living Well system. We have purple cabbage, carrots  and parsley once a week in juice form. There are lots of great benefits to juicing. Parsley has such a high concentration of vitamins you can not drink too much of it! We have no more than 2 tablespoons of it!

I hope you visit Ms. Jenny and share your favorite "W" today! All the Alphabe Thursday participates welcome your visits.


  1. Last year around this time I celebrated losing 40 pounds. I've kept off 36 of it consistently and feel better than ever. If I exercise every single day I'd lose another 10 easy.

    Nothing is better than moving and feeling well. When my body got lighter it got well...and then my mind did, too! I'm feeling great and since the MEN-ON-Pause has started I need all the good days I can get!

    GO GET 'EM!


  2. Hmmm...maybe I better get juiced too:)

  3. You go girl!! I need to get on the ball too!!

  4. I remember Sweating to the Oldies! The gym teacher at my old school had a bunch of the teachers working out to it after school.

  5. W is for WHY do I keep saying I need to exercise and NOT do it! WHY? Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!

  6. I need to loose weight BIG style

  7. I need to loose weight BIG style

  8. I'm with you...They need to put some "real" people in media now and then.

    And I am trying to eat right and exercise, too. I've only been doing well for about a week, but hey, that's a start, right?


  9. We have been on a wellness kick ever since my husband was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I really should exercise more, though.

  10. I am so ready to get outside and get busy, too, Annie! It is time to drop all these winter doldrums and get busy. Maybe I should order a Richard Simmons outfit to wear?;>) xo Diana

  11. I'm ready to get going also and get outside! I've got cabin fever...

  12. Richard Simmons isn't real? What??! You're kidding me! haha.

  13. Good for you...plan and stick to'll feel wonder!...:)JP

  14. I looooove Richard Simmons. I met him on the cruise to lose when I went in 2001 and 2002. He is exactly how he is on TV, wonderful.

    I will be working on eating healthy this summer. I need to lose some pounds as I am 2 pounds away to the scariest number I have ever seen.

    good luck on making healthier choices!

  15. Great post for W today! Guess I need to look into juicing. Do you think Whoopie Pies would make good juice? ;)

  16. These would all be great choices to work out in if I would just do it.

  17. yeah, i agree - they need to show some real folks - maybe not like 'biggest loser' material, but real folks fighting the flab. not 20ish model waifs. :)

  18. I'd like to get more exercise and eat better too!

  19. Juicing is such a Wonderful Way to get healthier...

    I used to love Richard Simmons...

    He has so much energy and is Wild!

    Thanks for linking to the letter W.


  20. I hoped to lose weight for my daughter's upcoming wedding, but my Mom's passing in January kind of left me in a slump and I didn't exercise as much as I wanted to.
    I'm sad I didn't follow through, but I am also determined to try to lose weight. I do walk about three miles every morning in a local park with a friend, and i ahve been trying to eat less meat and carbs and more vegetables. Good luck with your weight loss, Anne! Let's encourage each other!

  21. I loved Jack LaLanne. I used to exercise with him way back in the 50s and early 60s. We even ordered one of his glamor stretchers. He was so inspiring. We have a picture of our son when he was about 3 years old in front of the TV with his little chair exercising with Jack. He still exercises regularly and he will be 50 this year.
    Jack was a good influence for him.
