
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

B is for Bones!

Although I can be a bookworm I was going back and forth on what to post today! I have been absent since Pink Saturday! Not by choice. By pain! Excruciating, bone chilling pain! They like to use fancy words like "osteo arthritis " but it is still pain! So while you stop by to visit Ms. Jenny think about me and my bad bones and my impending surgery! How is that for a "B' post?

Now when I got my x ray that spotted my osteo arthritis they sure didn't look like this:
But I thought this was a colorful example of health care today!

I have some really excellent doctors and the ortho surgeon I chose is my doctors neighbor! The ENT guy I work for lives next to the hunky ortho guy! Sigh! The ortho guy is Greek and if you saw the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" you would chuckle. His family is so similar to the people in that movie!
Once the surgery is completed I should be good as new and back to work by the following Monday if my surgery is on a Friday. Then maybe I will get some of these pretty flowers.
Or these! Surprise packages! I love a good surprise!
A nice cheerful get well card.
A beautiful message with a thoughtful wish attached!
Some delectable berries dipped in chocolate! That would be a beauteous bountiful gift!

Before I sign off tonight I was reminiscing about my three neuro surgeries and how my dear friend Karen sat with me each day during her lunch (she worked on the university campus too) and helped me eat my lunch. I remember how my brother Ed ad his wife Cheri took my two kids to their home and kept them while my hubby worked and cared for me each evening. Those days were hard health wise but filled with many kindnesses from people who truly cared for me. My brother came straight from his job downtown and sat with me during the dinner hour. The kindness and caring from those close to me really touched my heart. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I recuperated and healed so nicely. My late father-in-law sat with me too and fed me lunch and picked our daughter up from school when I was re cupping at home. The human spirit is often cruel but in the case of illness people tend to bring out their best behavior.

Although I will have a short recuperation period with my knee surgery I will look forward to some kind acts from those who care for me.

Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For the measure you use it will be measured back to you."

Now visit all the Alphabe Thursday friends that you can and enjoy the creative talents you find in blog land.

A quick note about the Maiden Name Game. When I was really down and out feeling sorry for me a good friend sent the Maiden Name Game to me! I got carried away and sent it to most everyone I know! Some of the cute responses I got back were fun to read and made me feel better. Some folks said they don't do these and I appreciate your honesty. It is like the buttons and awards folks send our way on the blog and some love 'em, other don't. It just goes to show you that we all are really unique individuals and that my friends, is what makes this world go round!


  1. When is your surgery going to be? I hope that you get all of those wishes and then some. (The strawberries dipped in chocolate would definitely make the knee surgery worthwhile.)

    I loved hearing how everyone pitched in to help you. Those acts of kindness, you will never forget.

  2. I do hope the op goes well and you will soon be pain free!

  3. BE not afraid as I am sure all is going well. I have two new knees so I know what I am saying. You will be as good as new. Listen to your doctor and fysiotherapist.
    Good luck with the surgery.

  4. Ouch! I feel your pain! I don't have the same problem you have, but another one that involves a nerve bundle group. I was in a lot of pain as well, until I had some injections. I know your surgery will be successful! You certainly have a wonderful family.

  5. Sorry to hear that you will be needing surgery. I will be having dental work done next week, so I can understand the pain issue. After that we should plan something fun.♥♫

  6. Thinking of you Ames! Sending big hugs, linda

  7. I do hope the surgery is successful and you have a quick recovery. Hopefully that will take care of that pain. Best wishes.

  8. Boo-hiss for bad bones! I really hope it goes well and you are feeling better than ever soon!!

  9. Oh Anne, I am so sorry to hear you've been in pain! I hope your knee surgery goes well. I am also developing knee arthritis and I felt pain for a few days after my daughter's wedding as I danced so much, so I can imagine how much pain you must be in.

    I'll be praying for you for a good surgery and complete recovery. It sounds like you are in good hands!

    PS: If you e-mail me you home address I'd love to send a card to you..and a little surprise package {{Hugs}}

  10. You are so lucky to have family members in reach to care for your Bones!Sorry you're in pain, and wishing you a good surgery and a quick recovery!

  11. Hey Anne...Hope all goes well with your Bone Surgery. Bless your'll be good as new before you know it. Will be thinking about you and glad to hear that you have family and friends to take good care of you.

  12. Oh, dear. Hope all goes well with your knee surgery!


  13. I do wish you well with your surgery!

  14. Here's hoping you have a speedy recovery!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. with that wonderful attitude you are going to do great with your surgery. lots of positive energy and good wishes coming your way from all over the blogisphere!!!

  17. Wishing you all the best with your surgery!

    And thank you so much for yr kind words over at my place. My posts cheer me up quite a bit so hopefully they may do the same for those who visit too!!

    Hope all goes well & you have a speedy recovery!

  18. Yes, there are bones qe care. Beautiful flowers. Have a great weekend!

  19. OH I hope you will BE much BETTER real soon! I pray that it will BE an easy time and you will BE BACK on you feet BEFORE too long:) Have a BLESSED day my friend! HUGS!

  20. Been there and through it and so happy to have it done! Best to you...and HUGS!

  21. prayers for a successful surgery --and my thanks for your kind comments.

  22. Good news, Anne, on the surgery that will fix you up. I am wondering what they will do?

    Last July 18th I had a total left knee joint replacement. I was up and around pretty fast but my movements weren't fast one bit. I don't know how long it would have been before I could go back to work. Depends on what the work entails I think.

    I also had a broken patella (kneecap) and it is still broken now after the 2007 falling down.

    So knees are my friend by their choice.

    Best wishes on your surgery.

    Thank you too for peeking in on my "B" word, 'backyard' yesterday. I apologize for being late in returning your nice comment.

  23. Just stopping by and saying hello to you Anne. sandie

  24. Sorry to hear about your knees. Glad you have a good support system.

  25. Good luck with everything! I hope you get those cool gifts!

  26. My dear Anne,
    All the best with your surgery. Think will be fine. When you come out of hospital, I shall be waiting for you with lots of poetic love and flowers from my heart.
    BTW, I bet your Greek ortho guy doesn't look half as handsome as me! you're blushing, but at least I cheered you up, right? Wishing you well dear friend. We will all be awaiting your return. Take care. ♥

  27. I hope your surgery goes well. What a positive outlook you have! It's so refreshing! I empathize with your pain. I have lupus and it's raining here right now. My joints are aching!

    I pray your care team works wonders, your body is made whole quickly, and that you get at least one of those lovely presents.


  28. Good luck (and prayers for) your surgery! I had bilateral Oxford knee procedures about 4 years ago. It took me awhile to get used to them, but am doing great now. Losing 20 pounds also helped!

  29. Praying your surgery goes well and for a quick recuperation! :)

  30. wishing you a good surgery and a rapid recovery!
    That is such a wonderful story of your friends and family rallying around when you needed them. a perfect example of a good measure running over! inspiring!

  31. Ouch! Bone pain is no fun, I'm sure. I hope your surgery goes well. I count my Blessings this is one thing that doesn't Bother me. May God Bless you!

  32. Anne, when is your surgery? I will put it on my group prayer list!

    My Mom has bad knees and she really suffers with it.

    I hope this helps your pain!

    Thanks for linking this week.

    Sending you a big hug and lots of healing prayers!

