
Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Pink Saturday!

Since we just celebrated twenty eight years of marriage I thought I would add our wedding photo to the Pink Saturday Birthday post!

Swing over to Beverly's and wish her a happy birthday for holding us all together through four years of pinkness! I started to think about the people I have meet here and it makes me smile! I really enjoy blogging and I continue to meet the most amazing people!

I am trying to avoid too many sweets so instead of sharing cake and spirits with you here I want to share pink shoes! I L O V E shoes and I would not be able to stand upright in these but they are sure beautiful"

These are Dansko clogs. Aren't they cute?

Some pink Keen's! They will brighten your workout 

I picked a special bouquet of pink flowers and balloons to give each one of you for this beautiful day.

Let's go visit as many Pinkies as we can and wish them all a terrific birthday weekend!

 Dorothy was right, it is all about the shoes!


  1. happy Pink Saturday Birthday and Happy Anniversary to you! So many lovely people met through Pink Saturday. A wonderful Pink Family Thank you for your sweet comment you are such a dear. Grace xoox

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  4. Happy anniversary!! I loveeeeeeeeee the shoes!!!

  5. Best wishes my friend on your anniversary. No, I am afraid those shoes are out of the question far me as well. Some things are just nice to look at and not use. Best wishes for many more blessed years.

  6. Great posts and pretty shoes! Happy Anniversary!...Christine

  7. Happy Anniversary and I wish you many, many more!
    Love those pink heels and I , too, would have a hard time navigating in them....I used to love wearing heels, but now my flip flops are my favorites...what a difference a few years makes!
    You are one of the wonderful people I have met on Pink Saturday thanks all to Beverly!
    ♥ Jil

  8. Happy Anniversary!!!!!
    I'm struck by the look in your hubby's eyes in this picture... he's SO PROUD of his beautiful bride....
    and bet-cha, he still is!

  9. I love pink.

    Happy Anniversary. Congrats to you.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend!
    sandie ♥

  10. *´¨)
    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* Happy Anniversary ♥

    Loved seeing your wedding picture! You were a beautiful couple! I couldn't stand in those shoes either!


  11. A belated Happy Anniversary!
    I only wish I could have ever worn the pink heels. The clogs I can handle. :)
    Have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for visiting my first Pink Saturday post!

  12. Awww, happy anniversary to you and your sweetie! May you have a lovely Memorial Day weekend! HPS to you!!

  13. Happy Anniversary too! Loved your shoes - shoes CAN make a girl happy.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. HaPpY PS Birthday ANNE !
    and Warmest Congratulations on 28 years! wonderful success and every blessing on you both...
    you had every reason to post that picture. you've shared life realities not just virtualaties :)

  15. Happy Pink Saturday AND Anniversary, Annie- You are TOO TOO cute! LOVE the shoes! xo Diana

  16. Happy Anniversary! And you are so right about the shoes... love the high heels and the trainers the best. As you say, those heels are for looking at, not walking in, lol.

    Thanks so much for visiting, and have a wonderful Pink Saturday.

    PS: love your avatar!

  17. Happy Anniversary dear friend! Love the sweet picture:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  18. Wishes for many more anniversaries to celebrate as time goes so quickly. Enjoy!♥♫

  19. Happy Anniversary, Anne dear!! I enjoyed all of your pinks. Thank you much for visiting me and leaving your sweet comment.

    Oh, by the way, I,too, and trying to eat less sweets...some days I'm really good at it and some days not so much...but I like to think about the successes more. I think that will bring more successes.

    Blessings for the day,

  20. Happy Anniversary! Happy Pink Saturday! Hugs, Linda

  21. Hello Anne, thank you for stopping by the "shop." Glad you liked the Audrey tags.
    LOVE the pink shoes including those very creative clogs, but my heart's set on Dorothy's red slippers. :) Have always loved them. Hmmm...maybe it's time for such a tag. ;)
    Much love,

  22. Hello Anne, Thanks for visiting and your comments. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Anniversary! Great pink post. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  23. Love all your pink shoes - but most importantly, Happy Anniversary!

  24. Hey, sweet Anne! Love your PS post today. I always ALWAYS love my visits here with you. You just make me....HAPPY! Love seeing the wedding portrait of you and hubby ~ happy anniversary ~ 28 yrs. is awesome. So happy that you entered my digital software giveaway and that you are joining the WEDDING BLOG PARTY on June 8th!! I'll be having a wedding giveaway for that, too!

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, my sweet friend!

    Big TX Hugs,

  25. Happy Pink Saturday Anne and Happy anniversary. a big day for you. 28 years is a long time. Good for you and your hubby. Congratulations.
    May you have many mores blessed years together.
    Love, Jeanne

  26. Wishing you anniversary blessings.

  27. Hi lovely lady.
    happy Anniversary and I wish you many, many more!
    Love those pink heels!! Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my Tablescape. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Im following your blog now hope you come follow me also.
    XXOO Diane

  28. Look at you two! Just beautiful Anne. Happy forever after! ... Love Is ...

    Love your pinks ... the heels are killers, but sure pretty.

    Please pray for those that are serving our country & those that have gone before us.

    TTFN ~
    Happy holiday weekend ~

  29. Enjoyed your PINK post and happy anniversary! When I was a kid, I always wanted PINK anklet socks, but Mom said I could only wear white.

  30. Happy Pink Saturday and Memorial Day, Anne! Happy Anniversary too! What a sweet couple!
    Those heels sure are lovely but there's no way that I could ever walk in them now. Love the roses. Thanks for your visit and have a lovely week.


  31. Hi Anne, Like you, the high heels are so pretty but the clogs are more my speed. I hardly wore high heels when I was young because I was tall. :) Loved looking at all the pinkness here today. HPS and have a super week.

  32. Oh Anne ... happy anniversary and I wish you many many more !
    LOOOVE the pink shoes ! I have some to share later on. (())

  33. Awwww...Happy Pinkness for all your celebrations!

    What fun!

  34. How fun to enjoy your pinks in not one but two special days. Of course every pink day is special, but this is really special.



  35. Happy anniversary! I'm thinking of making a family blog too, now since I'm married, it's not all about me anymore. :)

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season

  36. I'm so sorry I've missed commenting on your blog for awhile, Ann, and I appreciate all the comments you have left on mine. The wedding kept me so busy and we had guests before and after it.
    I LOVE your wedding photo! You and your husband make a lovely couple. Happy belated anniversary!

  37. Congratulations on 28 years of marriage.. i love the pinks.. I can't wear those high heels either ..envy those that could but then I think that they may have foot problems when they get older.
    Take care

  38. sweet post!
    Congratulations on 28 years of marriage!
    I'm not a fan of high heels. Now if you were just sitting and not attempting to stand or walk at all, these might be just the thing!
