
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Love is....pampering/The Phamily/Happy Day!

I felt like I was pampered today! Jeremy graduated from college with a double degree along with 1,879 other students! It was chilly and overcast but the day went off perfectly.
Please stop by Marydon's and visit with the Love is...crowd. I wish you would come join us.

Part of us at graduation!
Mi Familia at Casa Bonita! Oh My Goodness! We have not gone there in years, since the kids were small, so it was super fun! We are all here minus my SIL who had to work! :(
Jeremy and his friends! 
 Best mother's day celebration ever! Now to get Nick graduated on Tuesday the 15th and get him busy for his new adventure: C O L L E G E !
Visit Sally so you can join all the blues for Monday! If you look at each of my photos you will see some blue! Jeremy wore a navy blue cap and gown and his after graduation shirt is blue! , Colton has a navy blue "College" t shirt, my hubby has on blue jeans . I could not wear my pretty blue Spring time dress. It was just too cold! I would have turned blue!

 Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.
 Albert Schweitzer


  1. I know you're proud! Congratulations to him for a double degree. That's got to be tough! Hope your Mother's day has been a good one.

  2. That is an exciting graduation and with a double degree which took extra effort. Happy Mothers Day to you.

  3. Congrats! I know you are proud.
    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Love, sandie

  4. Did your son graduate from Metro State? I tried to enlarge the picture with the diploma and thought that might be what it said on the front. That's where my daughter went to school. Proud day for the family! Congratulations.♥♫

  5. Congratulations to Jeremy and his the whole Phamily! ... Your support had to have been immeasurable!
    What fun to share in your joy today!

    Happy Mothers Day, indeed :)


    PS - Sure envy your cool temps; it's supposed to be 107 next week!

  6. Awwww...congratulations Miss Anne! Happy Mothers Day!

  7. Happy Mother's Day. It would be wonderful to be a part of Seasonal Sundays. You might be interested in my $100.00 Give Away.

    - The Tablescaper

  8. How exciting!!!! Happy Mother's Day!!!!

  9. Congrats to Jeremy & his parents ... how wonderful for you all. And now Nick ... what a week, Anne.

    I hope your Mother's Day was blessed & joyful for you, sweet Anne.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  10. Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  11. Congratulations! Mom's always deserve credit on graduations, and what a tribute to you on Mother's Day!

  12. I know just how proud you feel. A big congratulations to Jeremy. Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

  13. Ohhhh, I haven't seen a "love is" comic in ages. Used to save those and scrapbook them before scrapbooking was in. How fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog, too. :) Congrats on all your graduations, too

  14. Beautiful family!

    Your comment on my BLUE would be so much appreciated!

  15. Wow! Two graduations in one week! That doesn't happen that often. Congratulations to both your boys! They both are now going to be starting new adventures. I'm sure they are both ready to get started too. My kids have the rest of this week and next week and then 1 day the following week and then school is out for the summer! I can't wait. My daughter will be in high school next year!


  16. Congratulations to all of you. How proud you must be.
    Isn't it wonderful when we can show such happy occasions on our sites.
    So glad I was able to come by tonight

  17. Visiting from Miss Jenny's...Congrats♫♪

  18. OH, My. Two graduations in just a couple of days!! The fruition and culmination of all that work, and so many hopes and dreams fulfilled. You must be SO proud!

    Congratulations to your guys, and to you ALL. Hope you're soon up and dancing again---dare I say, "On your toes"?

