
Thursday, May 17, 2012


Z is a tough letter to write about but here I go! We had a zazzy week! Zazzy is a cross between zany, piazz and snazzy! LOL! It is something that is too great to confined to one word!  Also means something shiny and flashy! Jeremy graduated from  college on Mother's Day! Nick graduated on Tuesday the 15th! Whew! We were busy and zany. Zipping about to get everything done! We will zip through the weekend where the two of them will have their friends over for a barbeque. Wish you were all here. You could come over and we could visit while I get zany getting everything done!
Here is a zinger for you! I am going to permanently lose two toenails! Ouch! But I trust my doctor and my left foot is killing me and with Nick heading off to college ,we are  going to be hitting the ground running to catch up with some of his races! No pretty pedicures for me! :(
So enjoy a few phamily photos I zipped through!  Then visit Ms. Jenny and all the Alphabe Thursday participates!  I can usually get zazzy and visit many during the week.
Jayden giving his famous High Five! Shiny and flashy!

Ivan, Jeremy, Tony and The Bird giving their best poker faces at graduation! Zany!
Proud mama and papa with baby boy Nick at Boulder, Colorado Tuesday May 15, 2012
My beautiful niece Chelsea with her honey going to senior prom in Oregon! Zazzy spats on the handsome date!
My handsome nephew Ryan and his pretty date at the junior prom Pueblo, CO.!

My sis Mary, Holly,Noelle,Karla and moi! Zany!

Can you say Z A Z Z Y?


  1. what wonderful photos to keep memories of the kids growing into adulthood they all look like a bunch a great kids!

  2. I like zazzy! It's a great word! May you have lots more zazziness in the future!
    sorry about your toenails. ouch!

  3. great pictures and great word Visiting from Jenny Matlock

  4. Beautiful Pictures Annie! I am now following you on Linky Followers & invite you to join me as well!

    I'm also hosting Friendship Friday this weekend - please stop by and join the fun!

    Create With Joy

  5. Congrats on those grads!! Zazazoom!! :)

  6. Zazzy is a good word. And I think it fits your family rather well!


    PS. Love when they graduate, don't you??

  7. Nice pics from the family album, really enjoyed the first one.

  8. My reputation will sink to Zero when I say 'What a terrific car!'. Just joking!

  9. My dear friend,
    You are so right... "Z" is such a tough word to write about (smile). Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family. Everyone looks so happy and the love and happiness can be seen in their eyes. Life should always be like this. Never change, you are a kind and loving person. I appreciate you friendship very much. Have a great weekend yourself!!

  10. Thanks for enlarging my English vocabulary !

  11. What a fun family you have! congratulations to the graduate!

  12. Nice pictures, I love the word zazzy!

  13. Zazzy -- great vocabulary addition! Congratulations on your college grad.

  14. I can say ZAZZY:) So happy for all of your exciting news and celebrations! Have a zipeedeedoodahday! HUGS!

  15. Oops, I see I put the congrats on the wrong entry....Still, nice Z entry♫♪

  16. Wonderful photos! Wanted you to know I've reopened my blog. Hope to see you there. I want to reconnect with people I've missed.

  17. I loved getting to see your family! What a beautiful family it is!

  18. I loved getting to see your family! What a beautiful family it is!

  19. Can I tell you that you have so much going on I can't believe it - but all of it is just wonderful!!!!!!!
    love, sandie

  20. Wow! what a lot to celebrate! It is all certainly Zazzy!

  21. I plan to have a Zazzy day today! Hope to see the "Joseph" play at the Sight and Sound Theater in Branson!

  22. What a week! So adore that precious high-5 baby!

    Look at all those gorgeous gowns, people & events going on . Your head is spinning.

    Big ouch! Hope the foot is going to be ok.
    TTFN ~

  23. Hi again!

    Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s, many thanks for stopping by.

    Great post – so apt.

    Have a great weekend too!

  24. Oh it was very ZAZZY occasions, indeed. Joyous events, and fantastic way to celebrate.

    Congrats to all!

  25. um...losing two toenails sounds ouchy! I hope you'll heal quickly. Congrats to your boys. Sounds busy, indeed!

  26. Your poor toenails. Ouch. Hope you get to healing with no more booboos.

  27. Zazzy post! And I think you have a zazzy family (aka phamily) too.

  28. That's definitely zazzy and snazzy. Loved seeing the pictures of the family. I'm with you on the toenails. It may feel bald for a bit but after awhile you'll get used to it. You have to keep those toes ready for zipping you know!!!!

  29. Enjoyed this post, such lovely pictures.

  30. Zazzy! Love it!

    And I love that dress on you! That short sweater is usper becoming, too! You look very pretty in your pictures!

    Thanks for sharing all this lovely family news with us. Your family is beautiful! I'm glad you are so blessed!

    And I'm glad, too, that you spent this round of A-T with us! I always love visiting you!

    Hugs and A+
