
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pink Saturday for Autumn

A Pink Saturday celebration! This week I received my lovely giveaway package that I won at Jeanne's! It was an amazing gift and I am sharing it here today!
A little pink friend because we celebrate Pink Saturday each weekend! Cute huh?

Tea towels for the holidays! These two sweet ones have a Thanksgiving theme! I love them!
A wall hanging. This is so awesome! The detail is so much fun! I am going to share another photo tomorrow of it hanging on a wall in my house! Jeanne's friend has a shop where she sells these. I am honored to have one because the uniqueness is terrific! It is a one of a kind delight! Thanks Jeanne!
Two autumn detailed tea towels that are as sweet as can be! I love it! Reminds me of my mother who had many of these tea towels. They are the best drying stemware. They don't leave those little fuzzy bits all over your pretty stems!
The American Girl Postcard Collections! Because I write sooo many cards and notes and letters these will be perfect to remind me it is time to send some special friends and phamily a personal note. I still love the art of hand written letter and card writing! The personal effect is irreplaceable!
Oh this little book of poetry is very powerful. I bet you remember sweet Mattie! He was the poster child for Jerry Lewis and the Muscular Dsytrophy association before his untimely death from the disease. Jeanne you have a good heart and chose a wonderful gift with this book. Thank you.
A sweet scarecrow I am hanging up for the upcoming holidays! Last year I won the cutest little ghost stitched hanging and and I am going to hang them together so I will share that photo soon too.

Beverly is our gracious hostess each Pink Saturday and I am very happy to be part of this terrific group. She shared my post last week which featured my candy corn! Did you know that candy corn was invented in 1911? I keep a jar full for the holidays and eat a few pieces everyday! The candy corn makes a sweet fence for the graveyard pudding we make every year. Thanks Beverly for sharing my post !

Head over to Pink Saturday and share in some delightful adventures this weekend! Have a beautiful day!


  1. I love autumn - just wanted to stop by and say hello!

  2. I love candy corn and have a dish for my nighttime snack:) Love all of your pretties, especially that cute litte deer! Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Those tea towels are terrific!

  4. Sweet surprises :o) Especially love the little pink figure...I thought it was a bunny, before I read Theresa's comment. We call our grandbaby girl "Bunny" :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  5. Oh what wonderful wins for you, I love the deer and the tea towels..I cant see the wall hanging well enough to tell..congratulations!

