
Thursday, October 11, 2012

"U" is for Unique

I have had a sad week! So I am going to share some "uniqueness" with you here for Alphabe Thursday! I don't want to write anything sad . So I tried to find some unique things to share:
Whether it is coming up or going down the sun is amazing and totally unique ! Without it we would be in total darkness. It keeps us warm, makes me smile and always makes a great photo op!
An orchid. A rare beauty and wonder of the flowing plant world. This is also a wonderful photo op! Orchids are very colorful and delicate and they set a pretty picture.
The definition: having no like or equal; incomparable, unusual. Simple words to express a very untypical word.
I saw this on Face Book. Isn't this table, made from recycled pallets unique and interesting? I love the storage it has for magazines and books!
A unique idea for vintage luggage! I already know how I could hide "stuff" around my house! LOL! This was on Face Book too.

A unique human being! Jayden is happy today. Although he is a "daddy's boy" he was missing his mama terribly. She was hospitalized for two weeks while doctors were sorting out her illness. They are saying rheumatoid arthritis. I always appreciate your prayer so remember Tarrah while she figures out with Andrew how to best handle this illness. Some suggested yoga. Because I suffer with hip pain (age and bad bones) I have thought about taking up yoga.
Please visit Ms. Jenny and "U' can see some understandably, utterly, unique posts todays!


  1. Keeping your family in my prayers.

  2. Anne wishing you joy this week. We had a combination week of both sadness and joy...and you, dear heart, are pretty unique as well. (())

  3. Sorry you have had a rough week!! {{{hugs}}}

  4. loving those suitcases and pallets! they truly are 'unique' ;)


  5. Sweet and cute little one! I will be praying for all of you! BIG HUGS and continued prayers!

  6. I'm so sorry to read that you are having a difficult week, Anne. I pray that you will find some relief from the pain. My dear friend had a diagnosis of RA two years ago and after several months was able to find pain relief and a return to all her normal activities with the right medication. I hope that happens for you!

  7. Hi Anne, I am sorry you had a sad week. I am sure the stress of a loved one being in the hospital that long is stressful. I pray the answers will be found for such a sad situation. this kind of arthritis is so painful. My Aunt had it and the best thing was a hot tub. Just a thought. Jayden is adorable.

    Love your 'Unique Pics'
    Especially the coffee table. clever indeed.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  8. sorry you've had a sad week...hope it gets better!!

  9. Anne, I am so sorry to learn of Tarrah's illness. There have been many advances in dealing with that disease, however.

    You, Anne, are a unique woman, and I'm glad we are friends.

  10. I love this table made of pallets. I'm sorry to read of Tarrah's illness.

    Gosh, I wish I could give you a hug.

    So many changes this year for you sweetie.

  11. Sorry too to hear that you had a sad week when you posted this. I hope that you and that your daughter is doing better.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I totally missed posting for "U", but wanted to stop and see what you shared. I love your unique post with all the unique things like the pallet table! I have stacks of vintage luggage in our home. :o) well...for now all our things are in storage...til we move.
