
Sunday, October 7, 2012


Isn't this the sweetest Love is...? If you are older, you will understand it! My hubby is so very sweet! I am not sure where I would be without him. The cold weather has really bothered my right hip and my knees! He is always willing to rub my back and get the heating pad out for me! He put the first batch of my Princess House product on Excel and emailed it to me so I could send it out to anyone who wants to see it.
The sun rising or setting, it is a work of art! It is a masterpiece created by God! I shot this on August 31, 2012. we were suppose to get some snow last night. It was very cold but today it warmed up a bit and the day was sunny and cool.

This was so neat I had to share it! What is happening to our society? We are cruel, hateful, evil. I heard when the KC Chiefs QB was injured the fans cheered as they took him off the field! People are sick!

Some blue for the Blue Monday crew! This is Adam's wedding 7/24/2010. He is on the far left. Edgar in the middle and our son Jeremy. They looked so handsome in blue!

The wedding was lovely and although it was two years ago it was a nice sunny day!

The guys in the wedding party.
Look at that beautiful stained glass window in the church! Lots of blue!
A final blue for my Blue Monday post. Have a bluetiful week! Visit Smiling Sallyand Marydon for Love is...because you know love really is everywhere!

Prayer request for Rebekah today. She is doing her student teaching at a local high school and now she is on her own! She is bright and funny and serious about her work. Please pray that she will be calm and have a good experience.


  1. wonderful series! i love the quote you posted. i'm glad i finally quit the rat race.:p

  2. You shared a collection of blues today. I especially like that blue wedding.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

  3. They really do look wonderful in blue! I love that shade of blue.

  4. Beautiful post...loved seeing the wedding photos!!!

  5. Thanks for letting us share some of the highlights in your life. You are so correct, without love what a terrible place this would be. Glad you dropped by my place,

  6. Wonderful photos.

    My Blue Monday are here and here.

  7. Enjoyed your photos! Family photos are a treasure.

  8. Prayer is on it's way for Rebekah, God bless her!

    Duct Tape Bag is my BLUE.
    Your comment always makes my day!

  9. I'm glad he takes such good care of you!

    You deserve it!

  10. I love al your "blues"! I hope Rebekah is enjoying her student teaching exprience. I will say a prayer for her, Anne , for continued success!

  11. Sweet Anne, your 'blues' are gorgeous.

    What a great hubby ... you are so blessed to have him. I couldn't do without mine either. True gem ...

    How is Nick coming along?

    Sorry I am late ... just been a rough week for me.

    TTFN ~

  12. This is kind of a late comment but I am trying my best to catch up with your posts, dear friend:) Hope Rebekah is doing well with her student teaching, and also that Jayden's mom is on the road to recovery...

    hugs, love,


  13. 3 years of blogging and a lot of posts, congratulations..I love the coffee press and also the creamer and sugar bowl..would love to win!
    Prayers for those affected by Super storm Sandy, terrible damages...this is what will happen to us in the event of a major 8 point quake.y=.a good reminder to those of us sin a dangereaous zone need to always be prepared!

    hugs and love,
