
Saturday, October 6, 2012

"T" is for Taking Time

I originally wanted to do a "tea time" post for Alphabe Thursday! But time got in the way. So while I share some pink for Pink Saturday I wanted to share some stories I came across throughout the week. They are "take time" stories. Often we half heartedly listen when people talk! I know my hubby is notorious for it! Those of you with men in your life can truly understand! They nod, they smile and they never really hear what we have to say! So while you look over my dainty pink trimmed tea cup and saucer, made in England, will you share your moments here with me and listen to these stories?
A pretty autumn laced tea cup and saucer to share this chilly day. We have temperatures that dropped from 80 to 30! Brrr....It is going to get colder before it gets warmer! Someone asked me do you really use these teacups? Heck yes! Why not feel like a queen sipping royally from a pretty cup!

Ari is pretty in lavender and surrounded by a favorite striped blanket weaved with pink goodness! She is smiling cause she has a new brother!
Zander Liam! He was born September 18th. Do you like his cool jeans and shirt? How about his Bears cap!? A Bears story for you. I am always going to be partial to Jay Cutler and Brandon Marshall. After McDummy blew through Denver he dismantled the Broncos then left! Jay and Brandon were sent away and their win last week against the Cowboys was awesome because they are like salt and pepper! They go good together. Here is a little Bears story for you today! "Mama Bear and Papa Bear decided to call it quits. In the courtroom Baby Bear was asked if he would like to live with Mama Bear. 'The judge asked Baby Bear this question and the baby replied, "Oh no sir, she beats me!"  Then the judge asked Baby Bear if he wanted to live with Papa Bear! "Oh no sir, he beats me too!" Then where will you live  Baby Bear, asked the judge? Baby Bear replied, "With my Aunt the Chicago Bear." The judge said "Will they beat you in Chicago too?" The Baby Bear replied "No sir, those Chicago Bears can't beat anybody!" It was a sweet story our building manager told us! He is always sharing a smile with us!

Prayer requests this morning: keep praying for Robert our patient who is suffering from many physical aliments due to his cancer diagnosis. Pray for Jessica Ridgeway the 10 year old Westminster girl who disappeared on her way to school yesterday morning! Our oldest daughter attended Witt Elementary School. Her friend has three boys that attend that school. Pray for the parents. What a sad day for all! There are many open spaces in that neighborhood and there also a large reservoir. Pray for Kaydence, a Facebook friends grand daughter. She was moved to a Children's Hospital. Pray for Donna that her thyroid cancer has not returned. Pray for Gordon and his wife Rosie  and pray she will grow stronger each day. Pray for Tarrah, my grandbaby Jayden's mom that the doctors will find out what is causing her pain and if the infection in her head is viral or infectious. She is currently hospitalized.
Enjoy a handful of fun! This is my favorite fall sweet fix! I still make "Graveyard pudding" and this year I am going to try my hand at ghostly licorice trees and cookies turned into witch hats! I will post pics!
The Colorado Rockies. I spend my mornings chasing the sun! I have some lovely shots I will share very soon. Thursday I nearly ran off the road, fortunately I was alone on the road trying to capture the sun as it rose in the west! I have since learned to take those photos ops when I am standing still!
It is cold today. I already spoke with my oldest daughter and my sis on the telephone! I missed Nick's call. He said he would call me back! My hubby cooked us an amazing breakfast, fried eggs and potatoes! I am enjoying my home today! Indoors!
I have many boxes filled with Princess House product. My hubby put my list on Excel and I am working on the pricing as I am writing. I am offering lots of great deals.  Downsize,downsize,downsize.


Even Maxine wore her pink bathrobe to celebrate political commercials! My take on the debate: No Comment! I agree with Maxine 100%!

Even Mickey is ready for some pumpkin time!
We slept in today! Besides being Saturday, I think the cold weather gave us those precious extra hours to rest!
Now I hope you will visit Ms. Jenny and share in the letter T. Stop by Beverly's and join the pinks for a weekend of lovely, creative and encouraging posts. Then stop by Charlotte's and visit the Spiritual Sunday folks who share their hearts each week.


  1. Oh my goodness are those two babies your grandchildren? How are you? And the aqua tree on you right - I want that! lol Hope all is well. sandie

  2. Beautiful captures Anne, I like that Irish's proverbs.! Happy pink Saturday!

    Your comment at my PINK Post is always appreciated.

  3. Oh boy, did you hit the nail on the head re. listening to one another! Not sure if my hubby really doesn't hear me (literally) or I've become really boring - lol!
    Then again, I'm not so interested in his stories re. RC aircraft. Must work on that!

    PS - Won't you puleeeeze send some of your cool weather this way?

  4. Your grandchildren are precious. I wish I had a small amount of your cool weather. We're going DOWN to 70〫 tonight!

    Happy Pink Saturday, Anne!

  5. I just want to squeeze those babies. Both so adorable. I'd love to sit down to tea with those cups. And now I have an excuse to sleep!

  6. I had to laugh at the Maxine cartoon while shaking my head in total agreement. I'm a bit tardy making my rounds in the Alphabe-Thursday classroom. Lovely "T" post!

  7. Awesome stories and pics Anne. Love that sunrise. And I just bought a bag of that candy. I had a lot of Princess House and some I donated and took a tax write-off. But the square dish is catching my eye.Excellent "T" post. I give you an A+.~Ames

  8. Beverly has your post featured due to he candy corn having caught her eye last week. I couldn't remember if I had come by so, I dropped by to see. Nope, I missed this previously. Great post. Cute grandbabies. Oops, I just saw your button on the sidebar. Oh, that's too funny b/c it just happened (the one with the chicken). And, that is true a great laugh and good sleep does improve the outlook. Maybe it's the outlook that gets'r done?
    What's-his-name did the same thing to the Houston Oilers, sorta. Boo. And now the Texans are doing pretty good. We're hoping the Astros will get it together, soon. It was really hard to see so many players come and go. But, there's always hope and perseverance.
    That's quite a prayer list. I think sometimes we just move on without realizing how many needs (besides our own) there really are. Goodness, I pray Father, that You hear the needs of these people that Anne has listed and that they will come to know You better and get through these storms with You. Thank You for reminding me of needs and that You hear and answer our prayers. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    Take care Anne, oh, yes Maxine's sentiments are great. (What a switch from praying, huh?)
    Happy Pink Saturday

  9. Hi Anne~
    I echo what Jenn said and I love the Maxine post - how wonderful and true!! Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. Good morning Anne, A beautiful teacup to share for our pink and your stories are great but Ari and new baby Zander really touch my heart. Adorable.

    Congrats for your 'catch my eye'
    that Beverly selected. I love candy corn.
    Happy Sunday to you and yours.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  11. So many lovely pictures, Miss Anne.

    Prayers for Tarrah!

    And a hug and an A+ for you!

  12. Happy Pink Saturday, Anne. I had to come back to get another bite of that fun candy.
