
Sunday, January 13, 2013

"H" is for Hearts and Heroes!

Do you have everyday heroes in your life? I know I do! Sometime all those little things add up and suddenly you are staring into the face of a real live hero! Although I am late and missed my post for Alphabe Thursday I will put up my post anyway! I owe it to Ms. Jenny. She works hard each week to make sure we share our thoughts with each other. I love it!  I have meet some wonderful folks here. Lots of creative hearts, terrific minds, talented writers, collectors of many different things!

Recently I was visiting Brenda at  cozylittlehouse and met her dear friend Judy. She shared a story of herself and her husband. visiting all the everyday places where they shop, get Judy's nails and hair done and have a quick breakfast, just to name a few! Her sweet hubby was dressed as Santa during the holidays and Judy as an elf (although she was very shy and would not share a photo of herself ). They were handing out little gifts and candy canes to people that make a daily difference in their lives.There are everyday heroes all over the place!

If someone can share a smile with you, it may be the very thing you need to get through your day! Take Simone. She is one amazing lady. She had struggled with some health issues in 2012 but her kind heart and terrific sense of humor draws you into her space. She is a good example of an everyday hero! Always looking for ways to make someone else have a brighter day!

Do you know  Myra? She is one of those interesting people who shares her heart! She is always filled with encouraging words and is a lot of fun to be around! One of these days I am going to make an effort to meet her in person!

In fact I want to meet all of my blog friends! I think we have one amazing network of people who help us in different ways.

How about some pink fudge for Beverly and all the Pinkies? Many of you have participated with Pink Saturday and celebrated many blogaversary's! This would be a sweet treat for Valentine's Day too! Visit Shelly. She has a sugar addiction and shares this recipe and many more divine sweet treats!

Now we need some blue! That way we can head over to Sally's and share Blue Monday!
Blueberries are a favorite treat! Filled with fiber they are helpful in lowering  the risk for cancer as well as promoting longevity. Plus after all the rich holiday foods we normally share this is a nice and heart healthy treat! Thank you google image for this sweet photo to share!
Marydon is always ready to share Love is... with you and me! I thought my heart theme would fit perfectly here today! The heart really is at the core of each relationship!

I hope you have enjoyed my mix of several memes! I am really behind on everything I do and combined several different thoughts here.

Thanks for thinking of Nick and praying for him too! The college posted results rather late but out of 30 other mile runners Nick came in 8th with a 4:44 mile! We are always proud of Nick and his team mates too! Nick loves track and field and is really finding his place!


  1. Thanks for including me in your post. That was so sweet of you.

    Please visit again.


  2. I love blueberries. Had some yesterday with Greek yoghurt. Yum!

  3. Blueberries are one of my favorite treats. Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

  4. Great blue. I do love your blueberryheart!

  5. Lovely blog ~ very creative with all your wondrous photography ~

    (A Creative Harbor) on blogger ^_^

  6. Anne you could include yourself in this category! You are always thinking of others and sharing in out ups and downs!
    I am so proud to call you friend.
    hugs, Linda

  7. Aw ... I’m honored (really) to be included here, Anne! I would SO love having the opportunity to meet you and, perhaps, some of your sweet phamily!


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