
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"I" is for Ice Scuptures

I wanted to complain about the icy weather we are having! But I know most of you are having the same weather so why be boring? Instead of sharing complaints I decided to share a few fun ice sculptures! I am very amazed ! These are beautiful and show a rare and unique talent. This is truly creative!
The Eiffel Tower! Isn't this a fabulous work of art?
A motorcycle! I wonder if it is an American made Harley Davidson!

An ice dragon! Yikes! I am sure I worked with some people like this through the years!
A favorite! A fairy princess carriage! I don't care what anyone else thinks! I love dreamy stuff like this! Sigh!
Love, love, love this swan! The cemetery where our daughter Rachel is buried is a Catholic cemetery and it is very peaceful and beautiful. Swans swim in the Springtime and Summer in a beautiful waterway which you see from a lovely bridge!
These look like a couple of warriors! Too bad they aren't running our government!
This one is most interesting! Any takers on exactly what this represents?

Stop by Ms. Jenny's and join all the "I" posts today! Just say "I" sent you!

Quick prayer requests please! Nick and his track team mates travel to Texas Friday and Saturday to run indoor track! Please pray that they have safe travels and run strong!

Continue to pray for John, my Sweets younger brother. He is in a Montana hospital recovering from a stroke and my sister-in-law was planning to fly out there and bring him to Colorado to recuperate. The hospital social worker said he would have to leave Thursday! He is a Veteran so she is trying to get him moved to the VA Hospital there or in Denver. The neurologist told her tonight that John is not going anywhere! He can not travel and if they can move him to the VA Hospital the hospital will make those arrangements. Continue to pray for all of them. Her husband is on the bus traveling from Wyoming, where he works, planning to travel with her Thursday.'

Pray for Bridget. She is my friend who has been unemployed for quite some time. Her husband has some back problems and his work is seasonal. They were down to their last twenty five dollars when she received a letter from an insurance co. Her late ex husband named her beneficiary on  a life insurance policy and it took the insurance company twenty seven years to track her down! Pray she gets to our hometown safely and all goes smoothly with the transfer of funds. She could really use a nice windfall right now! Thank you.

 What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. They are but trifles, to be sure but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. –Unknown


  1. Wow! What a blessing for your friend to see how God works just in the knick of time. Praying that things go smoothly.

    That's got to be so maddening for your husband and his brother. I'm praying for him to be able to be surrounded by family who love and want to care for him.

    Beautiful ice sculptures! Took my mind off of the cold for a bit.

  2. Good morning Anne, The ice sculptures are beautiful. My cousin had a swan ice sculpture swan at her wedding reception. Sp pretty.

    I will pray for those you have shared in need. I am so sorry to hear your brother John had a stroke. It seems like so many things are on your plate right now. Good luck to Nick and your friend out of a job. It sounds like she will receive a blessing with the windfall.

    Blessings to you and yours,
    Jeanne xoxoxo

  3. What a be able to sculpt and in ICE! Wow!

  4. Lots of healing energy, prayers and thoughts for your family ~

    Wonderful ice sculptures ~ great photos ~

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  5. i´m so sorry, that this ice will melt. these sculptures are awesome!

  6. Beautiful ice sculptures!

    Added my prayers to yours on your prayer requests - especially feeling for your veteran brother John.

  7. These amaze me! I can't imagine having the ability to make something like that...

  8. What a lovely dual post prayer and alphabet Thursday .
    As a side if I can't sleep I pray through the alphabet, either for people eg Adam Becky ect or countries its up to you
    God bless

  9. at prayer -- loved the ice sculpture shots.

  10. Girl, I just got goosebumps when you wrote of Bridget's unexpected windfall. 27 years ... seriously??!!!
    Still holding Nick and your BIL in prayer!

  11. I enjoyed the Ice Sculptures especially for me the 'dancing lady in the forest' _/\_x

  12. you buried yr daughter, when was that? I buried a son.

  13. The carriage ice sculpture looks quite big -I love it - the execution as well as the idea!

  14. Awesome - I love the Fairy Princess Carriage! :)

  15. Am sending prayers to John and his family right now!

    I love these interesting ice sculptures.

    For some reason the Harley was my favorite.


    Maybe I'm secretly yearning to be a biker babe!


    Thanks for a fun link.


  16. The Ice Carriage is just a gorgeous image!

  17. Wow, this is amaxing. Its really nice to hear from you. Glad to reconnect with you :)
