
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Alphabe Thursday

I missed my letter "N" last week! Now it is an easy letter for me to think about. My youngest son and oldest daughter are "N" people! Both of their first names start with the letter N! So I thought of dedicated a post to them! Then I went for round two with my nasty flu like and  nap inducing sinus problems! The work place has been numbing! Busy and busier and never stopping for a nice breathe of fresh air! So I am sure you know I was unable to play "N" letters last week! I thought you might like a little taste of what I was thinking about.

Nothing fancy and not a nail biter but nicely played!
Noelle and Hannah May 2012, Metro State graduation!

Nick looking nifty in orange!

So here I am with my second half of AT! "O" is for orange! This is great because Nick's college colors are orange and black! I don't look really terrific in orange but he can pull this off, running to his next goal in his  journey for college running.
Lots of sprinters showing off their orange (front row, Nick far left)! He ran the 3000 and 5k but lots of his team mates shown here are short distance runners! They won the Jayhawk Eastern Conference Men's Indoor Track a few weeks back!
If you don't know Ms. Jenny stop by and tell her you want to get to know her while oohing and ahhing over all the nice O posts!


  1. I am Oooing over your photos! I love orange, having lived in Tennessee ("Go, Big Orange!"). With all that has happened to me this year so far, I got my letters mixed up for M and N, but I think I have it straightened out now.

  2. How fun! or Neat. :-) Love the orange and hope you are feeling a LOT better.

  3. I am a big fan of orange as well! I really like your neon N, it is so cool. Thank you for stopping by my post. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. What a cute post. :) Thanks so much for popping by last week.

  5. Great N and O's. I did names too.
    Did you see mine last week? I did grafitti. Thanks for coming by and seeing my orange stuff!
    Have a great day.

  6. It's a fantastic post of N and O letters...

    I got sick a couple of times so I am out for this round of Alphabe-Thursday..

  7. Hello, I hope that you are feeling better! I wanted to thank you for stopping by! When you are feeling better you should make the chocolate cake it is delicious!

    Love this post! Have a beautiful day.

  8. Good "N" and "O" post here, Anne. I am glad you didn't put them together or g\you might have had an opposite of YES post for Thursday.

    I went to Nebraska right after high school for three semesters. But Nebraska won't be bothering the Jayhawks much any more. I miss them coming down here as I went to their football games at Baylor.

  9. Fun game - love the alpha game.

    Our school colors were orange and brown so I know right where you are coming from:)

    Enjoy your week!

  10. My son's favorite color is orange! I Love orange things..fall leaves, pumpkins, oranges, creamsicles I'm rooting for orange :)

  11. He does look nifty in orange!

    This was such a fun post!

    I love your creative spirit Miss Anne!

    You have such joy in your heart!

    Thanks for sharing it.

    Hugs and A+
