
Monday, March 4, 2013

Random Blues with Love is...

Our youngest daughter and her friend who is four days younger than she is! We have known each others phamily since our children were small. Gabrielle and Hannah are showing off their blues! They are life long friends.
A Colorado reflection as seen from a native point of view!
If you follow Duke University basketball I am betting you know this high scoring shooter!
Life often seems like it is stuck between a rock and a hard place!
Is it Monday already?!? Please visit Sally and share your blues!
Ahh....what a perfect Love is....! I know I am itching for Spring to get here but snow is in our forecast. Give Marydon a shout today and share a favorite Love is...with us.


  1. Love those blues! Cute "scratching that itch" love is:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. I love that Pansy, and I like getting my back scratched! So, you've hit the nail on the head for me.

    Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

  3. Well the most beautiful blues are the first ones :)
    Hope you have a wonderful week (())

  4. It is Monday and you have a beautiful daughter.

  5. Lovely ladies wearing beautiful blues! Great photo of the both of them. Wonderful, the treasure of friendship.

  6. Loved all your blues today. Nothing is better than a true friend.There is so much beauty around where you live. Even in snow, still lovely. Steve is better and going home Wednesday.

  7. Just love the flower in the crack, yes we all have felt that way before. The goal is to come out looking a beautiful as that flower. Beautiful girls.

  8. What a beautiful blue Monday post. Those girls are both gorgeous- xo Diana

  9. Wonderful shots. I played too. Mine are here and here.

  10. All wonderful choices of "blue," Ann, especially your pretty daughter and her friend, and the beautiful Colorado photo!

  11. Lovely ladies, pretty blues. Thanks for sharing.
    fondly ~Lynne~

  12. The pansy in between those concrete is gorgeous!

    I am now just getting around with Blue Monday entries. I know it's Saturday already but am trying hehehe.

    Come and take a peek of my BLUE
    Happy St. Patrick's weekend!
