
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day : Always Love Your Mother!

A perfect gift for all the mothers out there today! I am thinking of all of you fondly and especially the "pinkies" at Beverly's! A pink bouquet filled with good wishes sending a beautiful scent to fill your day. Mothers are unique creatures. There is a saying "God could not be everywhere, therefore, he made mothers". Rudyard Kipling

It is a beautiful Spring day where I live. I have been up for a few hours, the birds will not stop serenading me, so I decided to get this post up and ready for the beautiful SONday ahead.
My week was filled with a lot of everything! Friday morning my Sweets and I traveled to Kansas to pick Nick up from college. He finished out his first year and passed all his finals! It was a fast and furious trip and we are exhausted! I took a lot of random snapshots so I will share them this week.

I am grateful to have returned home safely and thank God above that our trip was uneventful.
The weather was perfect so it made for nice traveling. When he returns to Kansas later this summer we will take a few extra days and enjoy some of the state! We always seem to be in such a hurry and miss out on so much! We also will rent a larger vehicle! Although his fridge and microwave broke   during the school year, the car was stuffed with all his things He sorted all his things and filled two trash bags that will head over to the thrift store later today.

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.
Abraham Lincoln

I am not as fortunate as many of you may be. I lost my beautiful mother in 2001. She was a strong willed wonderful woman who baked the best bread and listened with a kind and caring heart. She was the disciplinarian as my father worked long hard hours in a steel mill. So if you are fortunate enough to have your mother with you today hug her for me. I feel sad on this day because I can't reach out and talk to or hug my mother.
Two favorite Mother's Day photos. Me and my mother and my first born daughter Noelle and myself.
Here is tiny baby Jayden with his momma Tarrah. Please pray for her as she is so young and has a terrible illness causing her so much pain.
Noelle and her Gram.
Colton, Christal and Andrew. My daughter is blessed with her beautiful phamily. Christal is mom to three and Andrew  to one. Our phamily is always expanding and growing larger each year!
Two of my all time favorite mothers, Grandma Steblay and her sister, my Tata Rose. What role models these beautiful ladies were!
One big happy phamily Thanksgiving 2012!

I know you can find lots of blues here too! So please visit Sally and more blues too! I know you will laugh because I always share my grandson Colton's hair! He looks like a Bronco fan and that makes my daughter mad! She is a tried and true Cowboy fan! Hee Hee!


  1. Sweet, sweet share, my friend. First, I'm so grateful you and hubby made the trip to Kansas and back without incident. I know you're sooo happy to have Nick back home!

    I can totally emphasize with your missing your mom. Breaks my heart to witness those kids (and adults) who are feuding or not speaking to their mothers. Just want to take them by the shoulders and shake the livin' daulights out-a them sometimes.

    Wishes for a deLIGHTful Mother's Day!

  2. Great photos and memories!! Happy Mother's Day.

  3. What a wonderful Mother's Day post! I miss my mom too and seeing your charming phamily (love that) is so cheerful today.

  4. God bless you on mother's day, and always. I am missing my angel momma too.

  5. Heart to heart... I lost my Mama in 1988. I miss her terribly! Hugs to you dear friend and thanks for sharing these sweet pictures of your Mama! I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!

  6. Anne, glad things have been going your way lately. Sorry I am late visiting but been busy for mother's day. Guess it is better late than never. Have a good week and take care.

  7. At least Colton's hair is good for both the Bronco's and the Cowboys. Thanks for joining in to Blue Monday.

    Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

  8. You are right that those of us who still have our mothers on earth are blessed. Great family photos. Love the blue hair! Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a blessed day!

    Linda at The French Hens Nest

  9. I wish I have my mother with me. She passed 13 yrs ago and missed her everyday. Lovely quote and photos thanks for sharing.


  10. Wonderful photos. Belated happy Mother's Day.

    My Blue Monday.

  11. Such a loving post and wonderful photos for Mother's Day ~ Hope you had a great one ~ xxooo

  12. Glad Nick is home OK, come spend some more time in Kansas on the way back. I'm sure you have wonderful memories of your Mom, the pictures are wonderful.

  13. Such beautiful pictures!

    Hope things are feeling a little better for you each day!

    Happy very belated Mother's Day, lovely Anne!
