
Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I have always been proud of my heritage. My grandparents all came from the former country of Yugoslavia. They were from the state capital of Ljubljana. It is the largest city and state capital of the former Yugoslavia which is now called Slovenia. I don't know much  about the country because I have never had the opportunity to travel there but I love all the beautiful photos I have found on line.
Here is a montage of the city of Ljubljana. I often wonder how my grandparents felt when they left their homeland and made their way to America when it was a bright and beautiful new nation.

This was the flag of Yugoslavia.
There is not a lot of history listed on line regarding Yugoslavia now known as Slovenia but everything I know about the culture I learned from my wonderful maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather. My mothers mother was widowed in 1927 when her husband and youngest son died tragically in a mining accident at Victor, Colorado. My mother was 13 at the time of her father and brothers death and I find myself wondering what went through her mind when she lost these important people in her life I can not imagine the pain my grandmother Cecilia felt having to continue raising her family which including my mother and one older sister and brother and three younger sisters. She was one of the most influential women in my life and I learned how to work hard and use my faith as a guide for this life we live. My fathers father was a marvelous man. He was very kind and quiet but he often talked about his homeland and told wonderful stories. Oh how I wish I had the technology we have today so I could have recorded the conversations with all my loved ones who made me the person I am today. My grandfather worked at the local smelter. He and my grandmother Mary lost two sons between 1918 and 1920. One of them perished from the great influenza epidemic during1918-1919. They raised two other sons and five daughters. The colored picture photo is my grandmother  Steblay and myself far right with my nephews and some cousins.
This is my mom and her siblings. Her brother Tony that perished in that mining accident with their dad is on the far right. The next photo is my dad and some of his siblings and parents. I am not sure which one is my dad, I think the smaller boy standing and the two younger boys are the ones that passed away. I am often overcoming wondering how they survived such sadness.

This Slovenian cookbook was sold by the Christian Women, that my mother belonged to. Somewhere in my storage I have my copy of this book. It is filled with wonderful recipes as well as lots of good memories. Hop over to Ms. Jenny's


  1. :) I hope you get to visit your "roots" someday. A lot of things have "gone under the bridge" there (and in many places in Europe)...

  2. Nice family "Y" post, Anne. We did visit Yugoslavia in 2000. It was a very pretty country not too far out of the iron curtain at that time.

    Last summer (2012) we visited Dubrovnic in Croatia. That was really nice. This year we will vist Split in Croatia.

    I do hope that you get to visit there soon.

  3. What strong people your grandparents were, Anne. They left home and all they knew in order that their children and grandchildren could have a brighter future - and they succeeded, despite the pain and suffering and loss. What a beautiful story!

  4. Family history is so very important. This is a lovely, informative post. I'd like one of those cookbooks.

  5. keep at the genealogy -- the information is out there somewhere (and you may be surprised to find family in Yugoslavia who have worked on your tree.)

  6. I have a friend that goes to Yugoslavia every year.

    I can see why.

    It looks like a beautiful and fascinating country.

    I love your pride in heritage.

    Just another lovelY thing about you, Miss Anne.

    Thank you for linking.


  7. Oh, this is so interesting to me.
    I shouldn't wonder that you would like to write a book about your family's history.
