
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Alphabe Thursday/Pink Saturday/ Secret Santa Fun

Ok, blogger has been a pain in my brain! Finally I am able to come post a new story! But now I have to combine three wonderful events! Alphabe Thursday. This is the first one and here is my work "chubby"! So please please please Ms. Jenny forgive my lateness.Please make a note that blogger is very bad and got me into trouble with my favorite teacher! Did you know that a chubby is a small space? Well, that's my office. But it is mine and here is the view I saw at 4:30 P.M.last night....
 The sun setting in the West. The snow icy cold and still all over the ground! This is my view daily from the second floor window I cherish in that tiny office space. So Ms. Jenny forgive my lateness and enjoy my tiny tiny work space known as a "chubby". Now rush over and visit some Alphabe Thursday friends and see what they posted for the third alphabet letter C.
Dr. T,, sent me this lovely cupcake floral arrangement for my birthday! I sure miss her but she took a new job recently that she is going to L O V E ! I thought Beverly and the Pinkies would like this treat! After all it is calorie free!
 My nephew Brian tore his Achilles Tendon! Double Ouch! He said he heard that real men wear pink so he got the pink cast! Pray he heals quickly. Now off to Pink Saturday for all to view the luscious pinkness of the Christmas holiday season!

Oh Dr. T. gave me these yummy chocolates from Russell Stover too! With a pretty pink polka dotted bow! Sweet!

Ah, gifts galore! What a delight to come home to on a dreary cold and snowy Thursday night! My package came from Arizona! Sigh! Where I hear it is about seventy degrees! This Secret Santa sure took my suggestions to heart. Look at some of these wonderful items I was given. Thank you so much Secret Santa! You made me smile!
Ah.....a special package with my name on it! Hmmmm....what could this be?
Oh so sweet! A Spode tea for one Christmas teapot! The photo does not do this beautiful piece justice. Thank you Secret Santa! You have a kind heart!
Aren't these festive Ceramic Santa Spoons adorable? I am so happy! It is so cold here and these gifts are warming my heart! Thanks Secret Santa!
A beautiful assortment of teas to enjoy on these cold winter days! You are the very best Secret Santa! I wish we could share a cup of tea together today!
I love vintage Christmas and these two sweet tags fit the bill!
My photo does not show the beauty of this lovely ornament . It is a wreath covered with pretty sparkly bling! Such a sweet addition to the tree! Thanks Santa! You really know what I like!
More Vintage fun! So sweet and very Christmasy! I sure love these! Thank you so much!
Cupcake picks! Oh you knew I would bake for the holidays huh? Thanks Santa! These are so cute!
I should send my sis some of these recipe cards and of course, the picks will be perfect for the cupcake papers! How did you know I love baking in the cold weather? My sis and I were reminiscing over mom's recipes. I will post the story of the Texas Hash soon. But have to talk to our lawyer about the complications of people stealing mamas recipe as their own! Naughty, naughty, naughty! My sis has the cheesecake recipe and Mom's Texas Hash. Inventions from my mother's own heart. She could cook up a beautiful meal and often she improvised and made up recipes as she went along! Her baby sister, my Auntie Jo, name the hash Texas Hash! Can you guess why? Laugh Out Loud! Cause she lived a lot of her married years in Texas silly! Thanks Santa you are special to me and although I am uncertain of who you are I sure love you for your kind heart!
I love Vanilla scented candles and spray! This one is really light and fresh and very pretty! Thank you so much!
I just love all these vintage Christmas  pretties. I am going to have fun decorating with these!
Bells and bling! For the crafty days!
Shiny pretties for more crafting fun! I am in Christmas heaven!
A lovely ornament. My photos need to pop more but this is so lovely. Thanks Secret Santa and thanks to  Suzanne for being a wonderful hostess!

Now make sure you leave a comment and that you follow me so I can enter you into my giveaway which ends December 14.


  1. How fun Anne! What great gifts!! I love your teapot!!

  2. I agree, yours is such a FUN post tonight, Anne!
    Loving the precious Secret Santa gifts ... but mostly, I'm COVETING your "chubby" office!
    It's neat to have a visual of your everyday surroundings (workdays, that is).


  3. So happy for you. Your Santa really treated you well. I love visiting your blog. Makes me feel like we are together talking things over. You write like you talk.

  4. wow what gorgeous gifts you have received.xx

  5. Just love all your great gifts! Your SS treated you well. I joined in this year, such fun. :)

  6. Your Secret Santa treated you right nice, I'd say. Enjoy!!

  7. Lovely gifts you received from your S.S.

  8. What a fun box of gifts. That ornament is exquisite. You have a wonderful holiday.

  9. Awww! Happy Birthday!

    I'm sending you a very, very belated soon as I get it painted - ha!

    You are loved, Anne.

    And I know why!

  10. Love the teapot :-)
    Off to post about mine xxx

  11. Looks like I forgot your grade...

    Silly me!

    Thanks for sharing the space where all of your clever ideas are created!

