
Monday, December 9, 2013

Vintage Ornaments and Love is....

Oh goodness! Where does the time go? Every year I say, make a note, call Jay Cutler, QB from the Chicago Bears and ask him to make sure he mails those Christmas cards from his hometown of Santa Claus, Indiana....
Then life gets busy! Drat! I am showing you a beautiful collage of vintage Christmas ornaments. for Blue Monday. My mother had the most lovely ornaments and I wish I had some of those at my home. I don't have a tree up yet. But this weekend, God willing, we will get the house decorated. Then maybe next year I can ask Jay to help me get my cards mailed early! Don't you love the blue sign welcoming you to Santa Claus? The whole town is a festival of Christmas cheer all year round. What a fun place to live. I understand volunteers hand stamp those Christmas cards for you and then everyone knows you went that extra mile and had Santa Claus, Indiana send your cards out! Do you mail Christmas cards? I am so old fashioned and I love them and always will.
I hope you will visit Sally and count my blues today. Then visit Marydon and share a favorite Love is...This one is my hubby and me! We are always side by side. We ran int he door this evening and jumped in our jammies. We turned on that tea kettle and he kicked up the electric blanket. It is so cold here. But I am hearing it is cold everywhere. We actually were colder than the North Pole on Tuesday last week. So I hope Santa takes this cold weather back to his hometown and keeps it there.
Yesterday as we drove past the baseballs stadium, the home of our Colorado Rockies I was longing for Springtime and thinking of these words, by Roger Hornsby, "People ask me what I do in the winter, when there is no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for Spring."
Have a beautiful week.


  1. Hi Anne,

    You have some beautiful Christmas blues. Thanks for showing them.

    I no longer send cards as it was getting to be too much!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. We have driven by Santa Claus IN before but haven't stopped. I love vintage ornament too and what a pretty collage you made.
    Joy at Books and Life

  3. The ornament montage is beautiful. I'm not a big football fan, but I am waiting for spring training.

  4. Love the ornaments:) SO precious! I wait for Spring too but enjoy Football while waiting! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. Love those vintage ornaments. I have some of my mom's that I keep in a jar with a lid and keep them out all year long on top of my china cabinet. My tree is standing in the corner with all sorts of moving stuff in the living room. We are slowly getting things organized with my daughter and SIL's stuff among all of my stuff! Alex and I have been taking things to town to the Goodwill every few days. The trunk is loaded and we'll be on our way as soon as the bathroom flooring is delivered. (I thought it would already be here :( but I'm still waiting for the truck!♥♫

  6. I love vintage ornaments! Those are gorgeous!

  7. Really pretty photos! I passed Santa Claus IN at Thanksgiving, but didn't have my Christmas cards ready to mail! Maybe next year, right?
